AITA for refusing to help my sister after she revealed my s*xuality to our family?

A Reddit user (24M) is struggling with whether to help his sister (28F) after she betrayed his trust by revealing his bis*xuality to their family. He had confided in her privately, asking her to keep it a secret until he was ready to come out. However, during a family dinner, she casually shared this personal information, leading to a humiliating experience.
Now, after losing her job, she’s asking for financial help, but the Redditor is unable to get past the hurt caused by her betrayal. His parents think he should forgive and support her, but he’s unsure if he’s being too harsh. To read the full story and understand the dynamics, check out the original post below.
‘ AITA for refusing to help my sister after she revealed my s*xuality to our family?’
Two years ago, I (24M) confided in my sister (28F) about being bis*xual, trusting her completely. I wasn’t ready to share this with my traditional family, so I made her promise to keep it private. She agreed.
A few weeks later, during a family dinner, she casually mentioned my s*xuality like it was common knowledge. My parents were stunned, my grandmother almost choked, and my younger brother just stared at me. I was absolutely humiliated.
After dinner, I confronted her, and she brushed it off, saying, “It’s not a big deal. They’d find out eventually, and you should be proud.” While I understand her point, I wasn’t ready for that moment, and it felt like a huge betrayal. We didn’t talk for months.
Now, she’s lost her job and is asking me for financial help, throwing in guilt trips like, “We’re family, and family supports each other.” I can’t shake how deeply she hurt me, and I’ve refused to help. My parents think I’m being spiteful and need to move past it.. AITA for standing my ground?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
CiusWarren − “Its not a big deal. You will find a job eventually, and you will be proud”.
Inside_Major_8078 − I am so f*ing sick of people throwing out the “family helps family” BS. So why were those members not there for you? Walk it off, don’t feel bad and ignore.. NTA.
Scary-Breadfruit6107 − Mommy and daddy can help their child. Not your responsibility, NTA.
Holliemarcy − NTA. “We’re family” hits different when it’s coming from someone who treated your trust like a fun fact to drop at dinner. She didn’t just out you—she took away your choice, and that’s huge. Helping her now doesn’t make you the bigger person, it just makes you an unpaid therapist and a bank. Stand your ground; boundaries don’t mean you’re spiteful, they mean you’re protecting your peace.
Illustrious-Unit-636 − NTA FAFO.
Boring-Inspector-875 − you’re not the a**hole, it wasn’t her place to announce your s*xuality, honestly I wouldn’t help her either, she doesn’t even feel ashamed for breaking a promise that big even, she wasn’t being family when she outed you when it wasn’t her place to, she can’t be that grown and not know about boundaries and how secrets work.
FirebirdXxxx − You are NTA for refusing to help your sister after she betrayed your trust. While your parents might see it as holding a grudge, it’s about respecting your boundaries and the consequences of her actions.
roxywalker − NTA and TBH even if she hadn’t blown your cover during dinner I’d not consider helping her financially because that could start a trend where she looks to you to always bail her out financially.
wlfwrtr − NTA If family supports family then where was her support when you asked for it. Parents are family too, let them support her.
flirtydeviant − F**k. Her.