AITA for refusing to go on a planned vacation after finding out that a friend blocked me on social media?

A woman (F47) was part of a planned vacation with a friend group and had arranged a 7-day cruise. When she couldn’t reach one of the trip organizers, Kara, through messaging apps, she learned from another friend that Kara had likely blocked her.
Feeling uncomfortable with this and unsure why Kara did so, she decided to back out of the trip, even though this meant the group would lose their group discount, and the remaining members would have to pay the difference. Now, the group is upset, accusing her of being dramatic and suggesting she clear things up with Kara personally. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for refusing to go on a planned vacation after finding out that a friend blocked me on social media?’
I (F47) had a friend group of ladies that planned trips once or twice a year, at least six months in advance. Earlier this year they collected deposits for a 7 day cruise in March leaving out of Miami.
I recently had a question about canceling the overnight accommodation because by coincidence I will already be in Florida just an hour away from the Port of Miami during the departure week so I don’t need overnight accommodations prior to disembarking.
Instead of using the group chat, I used FB messenger to let the person in charge of the hotel reservations know if my change in plans, but she wasn’t showing up in messenger like she had before. I looked for her in FB and she wasn’t coming up either, so I just went to Insta to pm her. Same thing on Instagram.
I contacted another friend in the group by text and asked if ‘Kara’s’ information had changed and she responded somewhat confused. She then called me back and asked me why I asking and I told her my change in plans and how I couldn’t seem to get in touch with her because I wanted to see about my deposit being refunded.
She went silent on the phone for a few seconds and said she wanted to meet for lunch and when I asked her why we would need to meet for lunch when all I need to do is get in touch with one of our mutual travel buddies she said that Kara most likely blocked me but that she was moody and did stuff like that all the time.
Her response on the phone made me feel like more was more going on but she didn’t want to get into specifics. I then contacted the lead trip planner and told them I was pulling out because I no longer felt comfortable going and it felt weird knowing ‘Kara’ had purposely blocked me while not knowing why.
She said she understood why I felt uncomfortable but if I backed out they would lose the group discount for everything from transfers to a scheduled tour, and the remaining five ladies would have to make up the difference. I still canceled.
Now I’m getting messages from the rest of the group saying that I’m being dramatic and it’s an A/H move on my part to back out. One even suggested that I should be trying to clear things up with Kara personally and not let this affect the trip.
So, in summary, I realized, by accident that a supposed travel friend has blocked me and I’ve decided to back out of a planned cruise because I no longer feel comfortable going with the group for a week long vacation and they will need to pay the difference to make up for the group discount being lost.. AITA?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
Fabulous_You_7983 − Why do you need to clear things up with Kara? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? You’re all grown women. Not middle-high schoolers. NTA.
Mother_Search3350 − If they don’t want to pay extra, they better get their asses in gear and sort Kara out
Caspian4136 − NTA So they knew Kara blocked you and why but won’t tell you? That’s s**tty of all of them. Sounds like they wanted you to come for the group discount, but don’t respect you enough to tell you the truth. Doubt you’ll be going on any more trips with these ladies though.
United-Manner20 − NTA- it’s odd that they knew that she blocked you and they’re still blaming you for this situation. You have nothing to make right because you didn’t do anything wrong. She blocked you — their blame issue lies with her.
No normal sane person would want to vacation with somebody that had blocked them for no reason at all. Imagine how awkward the trip would be if you had continued with it, knowing that she had blocked you. She is the problem, not you.
Snackinpenguin − They were basically using you to make their discount quota. They don’t get to ignore you and expect you’ll be fine with it. This is likely the end of your group trips though. NTA.
Proofreader476 − How can you possibly be expected to clear things up when you have no idea what happened? I feel like the onus is on Kara to explain why she blocked you. Also the others in the group know something but will not give you the courtesy of an explanation. You did the right thing. NTA.
VegetableBusiness897 − So. You were going on a whole ass vacation with a group of people who are not your friends? Why would you do that?
Seriously. Sounds like they all just were tolerating you for the discount.. Peace out beeyatches!
EmbarrassedEchidna64 − How do they expect you to clear things up with Kara if you can’t reach her? Kara is the AH, not you.
Get_Woman − Your friends shouldn’t be guilt-tripping you for not wanting to be in a confined space with someone who clearly has issues. NTA.
Alternative_Talk3324 − NTA they don’t sound like real friends. Kara sounds like a b**ch. They’re more worried about the discount than your feelings.
While it’s understandable to feel hurt and uncomfortable by being blocked without explanation, backing out of a planned vacation may have been an overreaction, especially considering the financial impact on the group. However, setting boundaries and maintaining peace of mind is important too. What do you think? share your thoughts below!