AITA for refusing to give up my bedroom so my sister can have it for her online “career”?


Imagine having your personal space invaded and your sanctuary threatened by a sibling’s ambition to turn your bedroom into a backdrop for their online career. That’s the frustrating situation facing OP, a 19-year-old who’s feeling pressured to give up his room to accommodate his sister’s social media aspirations.

While OP understands his sister’s desire for a more “aesthetic” space to create content, he’s not comfortable sacrificing his own comfort and privacy. His refusal to swap rooms has created tension within the family, leaving OP feeling conflicted and questioning whether he’s being unreasonable. Join us as we unpack this story of sibling rivalry, personal space, and the challenges of balancing individual needs within a shared living environment.


‘ AITA for refusing to give up my bedroom so my sister can have it for her online “career”?’




Expert Opinion:

This situation highlights the importance of respecting personal space and boundaries, especially within families. Dr. Leonard Sax, a physician and author specializing in child and adolescent development, emphasizes the importance of recognizing children’s need for privacy and autonomy.

He states, “Children, especially teenagers, need their own space to develop a sense of self and independence. A bedroom is more than just a place to sleep; it’s a sanctuary where they can express themselves, relax, and recharge.” (Source: Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men)


In this case, OP’s refusal to give up his bedroom, which he has personalized and invested in over the years, demonstrates his need for a space that feels safe and comfortable. Dr. Sax notes that “Forcing a child to give up their personal space can be disruptive and emotionally distressing, especially if they have a strong attachment to their room.” (Source: Girls on the Edge: The Four Factors Driving the New Crisis for Girls)

Furthermore, the sister’s insistence on swapping rooms and her guilt-tripping tactics suggest a lack of consideration for OP’s feelings and needs. Dr. Sax suggests that “Siblings should be encouraged to respect each other’s boundaries and find ways to compromise and share resources without imposing on each other’s personal space.” (Source: The Collapse of Parenting: How We Hurt Children When We Treat Them Like Grown-Ups)


Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:

Here are some hot takes from the Reddit community – candid and humorous:





The comments range from blunt endorsements of the OP’s decision to witty quips about modern influencer culture. While some suggest that the sister can simply make her current room more “Instagram-friendly,” others highlight the absurdity of expecting a sibling to sacrifice a cherished personal space for social media clout. These opinions not only capture the humor in the situation but also underscore a broader call for respecting personal boundaries at home.


In the end, this story isn’t merely about a bedroom—it’s about the clash between long-held personal spaces and the demands of a rapidly evolving digital career. The OP’s stance raises important questions about respect, family dynamics, and how far we’re willing to go to support our loved ones’ ambitions. What would you do if you found yourself caught between personal comfort and a sibling’s dreams of social media stardom? Share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas in the comments below!

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One Comment

  1. Andrew Lloyd 1 month ago

    NTA, but your sister is. Perhaps if your sister looks at this as an opportunity to redesign her existing space, she will come to see her room differently. If your parents are so ‘supportive’ of her ‘career’. they can chip in with some financial support for those new design choices.