AITA for refusing to give my seat to a stranger at a concert?

A Redditor recounts a situation at a concert where they refused to give up their pre-booked seat to a woman and her young daughter, who were sitting in their spot. The mother asked if the Redditor could trade seats so her daughter, a big fan, could enjoy a closer view. However, the Redditor declined, explaining how much the concert meant to them and the effort they put into securing that seat.
While the woman moved without causing a scene, the Redditor felt judged by others and now wonders if they were selfish for prioritizing their own experience. Read the full story below for a closer look at this dilemma and the complex emotions involved.
‘ AITA for refusing to give my seat to a stranger at a concert?’
Last weekend, I went to see my favorite band, and I’d gotten tickets months in advance for a great seat close to the stage.
When I got there, a woman and her younger daughter were in my seat. I politely showed them my ticket, expecting them to move, but the mom asked if I could take the daughter’s seat further back because her daughter was a huge fan. I hesitated because I’d been looking forward to this view and experience for so long.
Feeling a bit guilty but firm, I explained how much this concert meant to me and opted to keep my seat.
They moved without making a scene, but I noticed glares from some people nearby and felt somewhat judged. As the concert went on, I tried to focus on the show, but it gnawed at me. Was I selfish for standing my ground? I didn’t want to ruin their night, but this was a big deal for me, too. Thoughts?
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
ND_Cooke − NTA, you paid for your seat. If she wanted a seat closer she should have paid for them.
legallychallenged123 − Nobody was glaring at you. That’s all in your head. I seriously doubt any of them felt you were in the wrong. But for arguments sake, if they felt that way, nothing was stopping them from giving up their seats. So, if they were giving you the evil eye, they can f**k off.
NefariousnessFresh24 − NTA. A) If they wanted good seats together, they should have bought good seats together. Unless they had two bad seats and tried to get yours and that of somebody else.
B) If they had one good seat and one bad seat, why didn’t the mom take the bad seat and let her daughter have the good seat?
C) All the people around you giving you the stink eye could have volunteered to give up their seats to the girl, but none of them did.
Sudden-Pomegranate95 − She knew exactly what she was doing and was hoping her kid would be enough to manipulate you. Even if you weren’t a fan, the seat was yours.
FoxySlyOldStoatyFox − When I go to a restaurant, if I place my order, only to then see some nicer and more expensive food being delivered to a strangers’ table, I don’t demand that I should have the strangers’ food – and I definitely don’t demand that they should nonetheless pay for that more expensive dish which I am now eating. . Same energy here.
Ok_Homework_7621 − Funny how it wasn’t her seat further back, it was her daughter’s. She wouldn’t put her own daughter first, why should you?
0wittacious1 − NTA. This the s**m of a n**cissist. Does she think you bought that ticket b/c you aren’t a fan? If she’s offered to pay you for it that’d be one thing but to just try to guilt you into it is the move of a d**che.
NomThePlume − The second you start explaining you fall into the trap. They then have something to respond to and unlike you, they aren’t honest. Correct response “GTFO my seat now before I have you ejected from the premises.” You will find people do this s**t to you all the time. Want to break up? “Why?” “Cuz….” “You’re wrong. Do what I say.” Want to go home early? “Why?” “Cuz….” “You’re wrong. Do what I say.” Want to start a two front war in Central Europe? “Why?” “Cuz….” “You’re wrong. Do what I say.”
They won’t even listen to your whole answer. This is because they don’t actually care. They only ask to get you talking and the second they find the hook they talk over you. Because they don’t care. Because the aggressiveness puts them in power. Because the interruption hurts your confidence.. Its everywhere. Get the f**k out of my seat because I say so.
PureHereoine_789 − NTA. It’s your seat and you had every right to keep it. Plus, who wants to give up a great view and experience for a stranger? Enjoy the concert guilt-free!
youmustb3jokn − Nta. This happened to me only I had bought tickets for myself and my younger daughter. This lady asked my kid if she could switch her places to be close to her friend which is closer to the stage. My daughter not knowing said sure. It pissed me off and honestly the concert started before I could argue with her. So I gave up. I really regret that. I paid more those were my tickets. Same goes for you. You sat where you paid for.