AITA for Refusing to Give My Grandmother My Inheritance Money?

A woman (32F) received a modest inheritance from her late father and planned to use it to pay off debts and secure her financial future. Her grandmother (77F), citing financial struggles due to medical bills, requested the inheritance, claiming she “deserved” it because of her past support for the woman. After declining, family members have criticized her decision, leaving her questioning whether she was wrong.
‘ AITA for Refusing to Give My Grandmother My Inheritance Money?’
I (32F) recently received a small inheritance from my late father. While it’s not a huge sum, it’s enough to help me pay off some debts and set myself up for a more secure future. I’ve been planning how to use it wisely and was really excited about being able to take a step forward financially.
A few days ago, my grandmother Mabel (77F) approached me and asked if I would give her the money from the inheritance. She explained that she’s struggling financially due to medical bills and her fixed income, and she could really use the support. She said she’s “done so much for me” over the years and that she feels entitled to a portion of what I’ve received.
At first, I didn’t know how to respond, but after thinking about it, I told her no. I explained that I need the money to help secure my future and that I have bills and responsibilities to cover. She didn’t take it well and told me that I’m being selfish and ungrateful for everything she’s done for me. She said that if I truly loved her, I’d be willing to help her out in her time of need.
Now, I’m feeling guilty because my grandmother is upset, and some other family members are saying that I should have just given her the money. They think I’m being cold-hearted and that she’s done enough for me to deserve some financial help.
I love my grandmother, but I don’t think I should have to sacrifice my financial stability for hers. Still, I can’t shake the feeling that maybe I should have helped her out. So, AITA for refusing to give my grandmother my inheritance money?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
WinnerActive9414 − Pretty much anytime a family member says you owe them money because they have done so much for you over the years the answer is a big fat no. If this was the case they should have been telling you all along that if you accepted anything from them you would owe them in the future. You could have told them no. NTA.
RJack151 − NTA. Tell grandmother that if dad wanted you to have something, he would have left you something.
Dranask − As they say family members can chip in to help grandma.
Vegoia2 − I’m old, not as old as her but I’d never ever think of asking a young person for money, my time is passed, it’s your world now. Is someone using her to get your money? At 77 this seems strange.
United_Bug_9805 − Nta. Inheritance is for the young to set themselves up in life, not for the old to spend.
wlfwrtr − NTA Tell Grandma if she truly loved you then she wouldn’t ask you to sacrifice your future for her. Rest of the family can pitch in and help her out.
Latter_Fox_1292 − Has she brought up before she needs help financially? Has she asked anyone else? Is it a specific dollar amount? Seems like she saw “free” money and feels entitled to it. She’s using the “I did so much for you” as a guilt trip. Other family members can go give her money!. NTA.
Cybermagetx − Nta. When a family member says I owe them its a no.
swishcandot − My grandmother would *never* hit me up for money. NTA and don’t give her a cent.
thefullnine4rain − NTA. If SHE loved YOU, she wouldn’t have asked for your inheritance, and she certainly wouldn’t have thrown a hissy fit, called you selfish, or whined about how much she thinks she’s done for you when you said no… My grandmother would’ve never taken a dime from me in this situation, even if I offered it freely. She worked for poverty wages as a maid, we lived with her, she paid for everything – so I got a job at 15, and tried to give her my paycheck. She absolutely refused to take it because it was mine.
But my grandmother was an honorable woman. (so I went out and bought a ton of groceries so she couldn’t refuse my financial help…she cried real tears because she felt bad for inadvertently ‘taking’ some of my money) She wasn’t on Social Security or any government help…she worked, and never asked for handouts. What does that say about your grandmother? Your father left it for you. Nobody else. Just you. It’s yours…keep it all.