AITA for refusing to buy new things for our house?

A woman (F) and her husband share household expenses equally, but she typically buys additional items to make their home more comfortable, like crockery, fans, and rugs. Her husband is careless and often breaks things, which she replaces.
After he broke their kettle (which was less than a year old) and didn’t mention it, she decided not to buy a new one and instead told him he would need to buy it himself. She believes that he doesn’t care for things he hasn’t personally bought. She still loves him, but is firm in her stance. Read the original story below…
‘ AITA for refusing to buy new things for our house?’
My husband and I share all (essential) house expenses equally and this work for us, e.g. groceries, electricity, etc. As the wife I see myself as the ‘home-maker” and normally buys anything additional out of my own pocket, such as new crockery sets, fans, a rug, TV cupboard etc.
Things to make the house more homier. My husband is unfortunately a bit careless, and there are a couple of things that he breaks and normally I replace it.
We (I) bought for Christmas for my mom a nice kettle, it’s in a box under the tree.
Last week he broke our (under a year old) kettle and just kept quiet about it until I had to use it. His reply, to all of them, are always ‘I don’t know”. I now refuse to buy a new kettle and refuse him to use the gift.
I insist he have to buy the kettle himself as I am of mind that he has this mentality of because he didn’t buy it, he doesn’t look after it. AITA for thinking like this? I believe we will be without an kettle for quiet sometime as he is a bit close-fisted with his money.. Ps. I still love him dearly. 😊
These are the responses from Reddit users:
Universal-Cereal-Bus − I don’t know how people end up partnered to such dumbasses and then make posts like this saying “what do I do about my d**bass partner?” Nothing. You don’t do anything. They’re a d**bass. Buy a new kettle or deal with the dumbassery.
Dingbats_are_cute − NTA you need to get a joint bank account for household expenses, you should not be expected to finance that stuff by yourself
Worth-Season3645 − NTA…Just because you are the wife and the home maker does not mean you should always be the one purchasing things for “your” house. Husband needs to pony up and buy a new kettle.
Quiet_Classroom_2948 − Have a joint account for expenses. That way he pays for household stuff too instead of using and breaking things like a 6 year old.
OhmsWay-71 − NTA. Absolutely he should replace the kettle. Says something about character that not only is he not willing, but that he hid it from you. He is not a child.
Mathalamus2 − why did you marry such a disrespectful person? he doesnt respect your property. NTA.
ibcarolek − What is it that you love about him? As nothing comes through on your post. He sounds like a selfish miser – is he?
SpudPlugman − lol no. NTA. He needs to learn to take responsibility. This includes replacing things he breaks. And what, does he think you’ll just think *YOU* broke it? Maybe it’s time you start splitting all household items in addition to expenses.
RaviolliRex − NTA Literally a kindergarten rule is you break it, you buy it. Your husband is refusing to do that. He can pitch in if he breaks something and you shouldn’t be expected to buy everything if someone else breaks it.
Was the woman in the right for refusing to buy a new kettle, or is she being too harsh? What do you think? Share your thoughts below! Read the original story below…