AITA for refusing to buy my son a cosmetic in a video game for $300?

A mom (40F) refused to buy her 10-year-old son a $300 cosmetic “skin” in a popular video game, even though she can afford it. She feels it’s too much to spend on something with no physical value, especially when $300 could buy something more meaningful.
Her husband (52M) thinks she’s being selfish and unreasonable, arguing it’s Christmas and she should lighten up. However, the son didn’t seem to care much and went back to playing the game, which further baffled the mom about her husband’s insistence. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for refusing to buy my son a cosmetic in a video game for $300?’
So my (40f) son (10m) likes to play a very popular video game. I’ve never had any issues with it, as he has not had shown any concerns so far. Yesterday he asked me if I could buy him something from the game.
Normally I am not a fan of buying things in video games but since Christmas is coming up I was willing to make an exception. I was thinking it would be around $25, maybe $50 at the most and I could deal with that. But no. It was $300!! It was some “skin” or whatever they call it these days.
Essentially, to look cool ingame. My issue is not that I cannot afford it, because I easily could. My issue is that he wants something in a video game, something that is essentially useless, for that amount of money. With that much money I could buy something physical that he could actually use.
His father (52m) is calling me selfish and unreasonable for not buying this, telling me to lighten up because it’s Christmas. We fought over this a lot. (forgot to add: I tried to explain to him calmly that with $300 we could buy him so many bigger and better things.
He blew up on me. said the same thing to my son and he seemed to be receptive) He was much more upset than my son was. My son literally could not care less and said it was “chill.” And went back to playing like nothing happened.
Now if he threw a fit over wanting this “skin” badly I would understand my husbands frustration… but that’s not the case here. Seemed he could care less either way. I told him about his reaction but he’s still insisting that we buy this thing. Am I in the wrong for not wanting to spend so much money on this “skin” in a literal video game?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
vt2022cam − NTA – but your husband sounds unreasonable. Good luck with that. Tell us more about the relationship with your husband and do these type of issue around money come up often?
Affectionate-Bank570 − Edit: spare the comments on my husband. My kids have allowances and do earn money, and can spend how they want with that allowance. We just don’t out of our way to pay for microtransactions for cosmetics.. OC: My older kids all play Roblox.
My 14M and 11M have repeatedly asked for roblox gift cards to buy things and here we are, not knowing anything about the game were thinking it’s stuff that helps them. Nope, all stupid cosmetics like devil wings and shirts for their character.
We sat down with both of them and told them we are never doing that again. 30 bucks a piece that could’ve gone towards a console game or clothes, gone for silly s**t. While yes, it was their choice with those gift cards, my husband and I aren’t rich by any means.
60 bucks is almost a full day of work for my husband who makes minimum wage. I don’t feel bad in the slightest for not purchasing those gift cards again. Even if I had disposable income, I wouldn’t.
Its a waste. 300 for a cosmetic? I would’ve laughed in their face. Don’t feel bad and stick to your guns. Tell him if he wants it, he can earn with chores and spend his allowance however he wants.
Green-Season-7117 − NTA. If you’re not longer doing Santa, tell him that he’s got a choice, multiple gifts or this one skin for Christmas. If he chooses the skin, stick with it. Bet he won’t make that choice again watching everyone else open gifts when he gets a skin.
Debaser1990 − NTA, I’d say this is a teachable moment about value of money and spending responsibly. It’s when people aren’t taught these lessons at a young age that they buy things like the $4400 roll of tape by Balenciaga.
Thick-Platypus-4253 − With the way your husband reacted, are we sure it isn’t secretly for him? You are so NOT the AH.
dollkyu − NTA imo but I’m trying to think of a single game cosmetic that’s $300 (and still available/wasn’t for an event). What the hell does he want that’s $300? Is it the Brawl Stars skin? Does your husband want a **MOBILE GAME** skin???
Regardless, it sounds like your husband wants the skin more than your kid but also wants you to be the one responsible/fall guy for the irresponsible purchase.
CMHChris72 − I’m concerned you had to ask this question
k_svetle − 23 year old gen z NTA spending 300$ on a skin is insane and in this economy 🥴
JurassicParkFood − I love video games. My kid loves video games. So we use video game currency to learn good money management, self discipline, and other life skills. $300 on a virtual trinket is insane. Not a chance. NTA
Efficient-King-8760 − It lowkey sounds like your husband wanted it and told son to ask you so you wouldn’t flip on him for wanting something like that🤣 does husband play the game too?
Is refusing to spend $300 on a virtual item reasonable, or should holiday generosity mean saying yes to such a request? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!