AITA for refusing to allow one of my wife’s best friends on her surprise 30th birthday weekend away?


A Redditor planned a surprise 30th birthday getaway for their wife, inviting close friends to keep costs low and make it special. However, one friend refused to chip in, suggesting she’d only stay part of the time to save money, even though the place is booked for the weekend.

The Redditor decided it wasn’t fair to let her use the space for free, leading to tension and the friend’s angry departure from the group chat. Now, they’re wondering if they handled it right. Read on for the full story!


‘ AITA for refusing to allow one of my wife’s best friends on her surprise 30th birthday weekend away?’




See what others had to share with OP:








Do you think it was reasonable to ask the friend to pay even if she didn’t stay over, or was it unfair given her circumstances? How would you handle planning a group trip like this? Share your thoughts below!

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  1. Dawn 1 month ago

    Does the location allow extra guests? If it is an AirB&B there are probably rules in place to address parties and visiting guests. It might be the best way to say “No!” without making her angry.

  2. Julie L 1 month ago

    She might have personal health reasons that keep her from wanting to sleep away from home. I agree that she should contribute financially something, but maybe a little less.

  3. Anna 1 month ago

    NTA. The person trying to get away with not paying is, however, the asshole. And what she’s claiming does not even make any sense….she can’t afford to stay there, but she CAN afford an expensive taxi ride there and back on one day, and she CAN afford to pay for gas to driver there and back on the second day???

    I don’t believe that she can’t afford it. If you can afford expensive taxi rides, you can afford this.

    And even if she can’t afford it, trying to make everyone else pay for her stay is NOT how you handle this. How can she possibly think it’s ethical that everyone else pay for her stay? She’s embarssing herself with her self-entitled, spoiled-brat behavior, and she doesn’t even seem aware that she’s embrassing herself.

    Carrying on about it, and making such a big crying fuss over it really makes her sound like she has the emotional intelligence level of a 3-year-old.

    If she honestly can’t afford it (and I doubt that), then the adult way to handle is to simply not go.

  4. Barbara handler 1 month ago

    If the friend said she couldn’t afford to pay her share, I would say that we would miss her company and hope that she would celebrate with wife privately at another time.