AITA for refusing to allow my sisters plus one to attend my wedding?


A Reddit user shares the dilemma of banning her sister’s plus-one, “Dick,” from her upcoming wedding. Years ago, Dick stole money intended for their mother’s funeral and later mocked the user after her mother’s passing. Despite knowing what Dick did, her sister became best friends with him and now insists on bringing him as her guest to the wedding. Tensions rise as another sister joins the argument, threatening to boycott the wedding if the plus-one ban stands. Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for refusing to allow my sisters plus one to attend my wedding?’

I (24F) am due to get married in two weeks to the love of my life (38F). I have two sisters “A” (29F) and “B” (26F) and a former friend “D**k” (24M). D**k and I go a long way back and used to be great friends but a few years ago there was drama starting in our friendship group and everyone started turning on each other.

At the time our mother was poorly and I knew she was reaching the end of her days so I was saving money in cash otherwise I would have spent it if it was in a debit card or credit card to pay for her funeral expenses as she didn’t have a will in place or a funeral plan, she was too far gone mentally as well to sort that out.


I saved about £3,500.00 for my mum’s funeral. But D**k stole that money which I reported was stolen I told them I knew it was D**k but didn’t have the evidence. A few days later my mother passed away. I ended up having to get a loan out for £5,000.00 and ended up getting into debt for it. A few days after my mum had died D**k had showed up to my door.

He openly admitted to stealing the money and was laughing at the fact my mum died. A and B knew what was going on. A year later I found out B was friends with him, not just “friends” but “BEST FRIENDS” with him even after knowing what he did. I decided not to speak to them for a few months as I needed time.


In two weeks, I’ll be getting married and I found out during a family dinner yesterday that B is bringing D**k as her plus one. When we announced our engagement I did say she could bring anyone as I didn’t think she bring D**k at all. I went ballistic and told B that D**k isn’t coming to the wedding and he ain’t going to be your plus one and if you don’t accept that then it means you’re uninvited to the wedding as well.

My fiancè remained calm but voiced her opinion and said she agreed. A got involved and a screaming match went off. A said if B is uninvited to the wedding then they’re not coming as well. “They’re” being my BIL and sister. My BIL stayed out of it and told me he’s still coming as well. Some of my friends think I’m being an a**hole because I lost my mother and I only have my sisters left and my strict stance will ruin the relationship for good if I don’t allow D**k to come.. AITA?


Lets dive into the reactions from Reddit:

Successful_Pace_1521 −  No thieves at the wedding seems like a pretty easy rule. NTA

Ok-Classic8323 −  NTA. He is a t**ef and caused you even more stress at the time your Mother was dying. You had to go in to debt to hold her funeral. You have every right to bar him from your wedding.


multicontinentalbtch −  NTA. wtf. D**k is indeed a d**k.

setsumaeu −  NTA. You’re certainly allowed to refuse anyone from attending your wedding, and it’s insane that your sister is asking for tolerance about someone who stole money from her sibling.


ArkeryStarkery −  No, no no no. B is ruining her relationship with you, for good, by trying to bring the man who stole your mother’s funeral money (!) to your wedding. She is doing this. Her strict stance that D**k is allowed back in your life is doing horrible damage to your family. I suggest a compromise. D**k can come to your wedding if he brings you a check for £8,500.00, plus the interest you incurred on that loan.. ​. NTA.

mybeating_heartbeat −  NTA. Just to make sure I understand this properly:.


1. You ALL share the same mother.

2. They know D**k stole the Money meant for your (also their) mother’s funeral.


3. They know he admitted to stealing the money AND mocked your (also their) mother’s d**th.

4. A year later, B became best friend with the person who stole the money for her mother’s funeral and mocked her d**th.


5. B wants to bring D**k, the low life who admitted that he stole the money meant for your mother’s funeral and mocked her d**th, to YOUR wedding.

6. A defends B and says if B can’t go, she won’t go either. A’s husband disagrees and says he’ll be there with or without her.


Why would you want them in your life? Where is the f**king loyalty? To your mother? To you?

The way I would cut them off so freaking quick!


They have no understanding of what it means to be a family!

They’ve proven it to you time and time again at this point.


They’re loyal to the one who, at your family’s lowest point, decided to kick you all down.

The one who insulted their mother right after she died.


I’m trying to make sense of this:. Did your sisters hate your mother?. Do they hate you?

I’m trying to understand but the math is not math-ing!


No_regrats −  This is the fakiest f**e I’ve read in a long time and that’s saying something.

Arse_______ −  INFO Why did you pay for your mum’s funeral and not your sisters? Costs should have been shared. Didn’t they know or believe he laughed about stealing the money and your mum dying? If they don’t believe you or think that’s ok and you’d want him at your wedding, I wouldn’t want contact with them. NTA but what a s**tty situation. Things like that can become life long rifts.. NTA


JBB2002902 −  NTA. At the risk of playing devil’s advocate, are you 100% sure your sister wasn’t involved in the theft?…

[Reddit User] −  So this guy shows up to your front door and mocks you for stealing your money and laughs at the fact your mother died and people expect you to be ok with that person being at your wedding? Hell no, this would be the hill I would die on. NTA

Was the user justified in banning her sister’s plus-one, or should she prioritize family unity over past issues? How would you handle such a situation? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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