AITA For quitting on the spot even though we were understaff and it made my manager cry?

A Reddit user shared their decision to quit their retail job on the spot after discovering that their manager, Lisa, had given out their schedule to a man who claimed to be their father. The user was confused and upset, and when the manager dismissed their concerns as dramatic, they decided to leave, leaving the store severely understaffed. This led to their manager crying and apologizing. Read the full story below to see if the user’s decision was justified.
‘ AITA For quitting on the spot even though we were understaff and it made my manager cry?’
I worked at a retail store in the mall. The store is divided into men’s, women’s and children’s clothes. I always worked women’s and on the weekdays I was always the only employee in that entire section.
Yesterday myself and two other employees clocked into ours shifts. My manager Lisa pulled my aside and told me “Your dads called the store five times asking for your schedule please tell him to stop”.
I got extremely confused because that didn’t sound like something my dad would do. I even texted him and he said he never called the store once. I had a bad feeling and asked Lisa if she gave “my dad” my schedule and she did she did. I then told her that wasn’t my dad and she had no right telling a strange man my schedule.
She got annoyed and told me that it wasn’t a big deal and I was being dramatic. I then quit on the spot which only left her and two other employee to watch the entire store. She kept apologizing and even burst into tears because they were understaffed.. AITA?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
eirwen29 − Uh. Yeah no. Nta. That’s horrifying.
Dsx-Kalista − NTA. That’s a f**king stalker. Your manager has literally endangered your life. You need to document this. Someone with more legal knowledge can tell you what to do, but if something happens to you, she’s partially to blame. In the mean time, make sure your taser is charged and your pepper spray is working.
Tanyec − NTA. That’s scary, unprofessional, quite possibly illegal (depending on circumstances/location), and I’m glad you stood up for yourself. Separately, if you have a known/suspected stalker, report him to the police immediately. Good luck!
veesacard − NTA but creepy asf, I think quitting was a very sensible move since seems like someone is trying to stalk you. And you’re quite right that she shouldn’t have given that info out without checking with you first, as a manager she should know better and apologised instead of downplaying it.
Though there’s some beauty in her accusing you of being over dramatic for you to do the most dramatic thing and quit on the spot. Good for you honestly. There’s probably a good reason they’re short staffed and it has nothing to do with your decision to leave. Best of luck, hope you find another job quick!. Edit: fixed typo stall to stalk
blanketkingdom − NTA. It’s like Manager 101 that you don’t give you your employees schedules. You never know if someone is stalking your staff or otherwise being sketchy as f**k.
samadantha − NTA what she did is a fire able offense for a lot of companies. And compromises your safety a great deal. What if this “dad “ kidnapped you or hurt you on your way in or home??
fieleamcknight − NTA. She gave some random c**ep your schedule, and expects you to continue working there when whoever this is knows when and where you work? You had every right to walk out, especially after she minimized your feelings about it.
Royal-Otherwise − NTA and I’m pretty sure what she did was illegal
BellLilly − First NTA, your manager put your safety at risk. I had a stalker calling repeatedly at one of my old jobs (doggy daycare). He was calling to talk to me or get my schedule. My boss refused over and over, dude wouldn’t leave a message, just demanded my schedule.
I finally took the call, recognized his voice, yelled at him and hung up. I told my boss that as far as anyone on the phone was concerned, I no longer work there. I have a cell phone, the people I know can and will reach me there.
The newest manager (power tripping wench) took a call and GAVE MY FULL SCHEDULE! Despite instructions that I’m not there if there phone rings for me. My stalker showed up and just watched me on the camera in the front office for a while.
When I disappeared from the camera view he shoved another employee against a wall and let himself into the back to come find me. He came face to face with one of our large male managers and a dog that HATED new people.
Doggo nipped, growled and lunged (I’m pretty sure the guy pissed himself a little) before I could take him away and my manager “handled” my stalker before the police took him away. He never would have shown up if that manager hadn’t given my schedule and jeopardized the safety of everyone there. Edit: words for clarity
ARC2060 − NTA. Your manager is an i**ot and should be reported to her boss for being so stupid and potentially putting you at risk. It might be worth filing a report with the police about possible stalking.
It will probably end now that you’ve quit, but just in case, it would be good to have the police be aware. Also, don’t give this manager’s name as a reference when you apply for a new job. You don’t want her knowing where you work.
Was the Redditor right to quit on the spot over the breach of privacy, or should they have handled the situation differently? How would you react if a manager shared your schedule without permission? Share your thoughts below!