AITA for putting my dog’s wee-wee pads on the bathroom floor b/c my BF has bad aim and keeps missing the toilet?

A Redditor shared a quirky but practical solution to a frustrating problem with her boyfriend’s repeated bathroom mishaps. After stepping in pee on her bathroom floor countless times despite polite reminders, she resorted to taping her dog’s old wee-wee pads around the toilet to absorb the mess. Her boyfriend, however, took offense, claiming she was comparing him to a dog. Was her action reasonable or insulting? Read the full story below to weigh in.
‘ AITA for putting my dog’s wee-wee pads on the bathroom floor b/c my BF has bad aim and keeps missing the toilet?’
My boyfriend (30/M) and I (28/F) have been together about a year and when our city implemented lockdown for the virus, he decided to quarantine with me at my apartment as I live alone and have a nicer apartment and he has several roommates.
Mostly it has been going well and thankfully we both still have jobs, except in the first few weeks I started noticing that the bathroom floor was suddenly always wet around the toilet. (The sink is across the room from the toilet so it’s unlikely to be from the sink.)
At first I thought it might be water but soon realized that it was definitely pee. I asked BF about it nicely, and he apologized and said sometimes he has bad aim. I asked him to try a little harder and he said sure.
The floor continued to be frequently spattered with p**s, and a few weeks later I confronted him about it again because I think it’s pretty gross to step in his pee several times a week, and it seems like an easy thing to fix.
If he misses the toilet, I think the very least he could do is make sure to wipe it up with toilet paper or a Clorox wipe. (The cleaning supplies even live in a cabinet directly over the toilet.) He said sure, sorry, he would try to remember to do that.
Another week has passed and while maybe he’s doing this sometimes, I’ve continued to step in splatters of his pee and wipe it off the floor and clean the floor several times a week. I thought about asking him to just pee into the bathtub or something instead, because I don’t understand how you can pee on the floor by accident so often and not notice and not clean it up.
Last night I got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and absolutely stepped in p**s for the 12312301298th time. I had HAD it and I didn’t want to pick a fight or ask him again since it seems clear he can’t or won’t change, so I got one of my dog’s wee-wee pads from when he was a puppy (he is well trained now) and cut it up a bit and taped it down to make a sort of “skirt” or mat around the floor near the toilet to at least absorb the p**s.
BF saw this morning and is FURIOUS with me, saying that I’m calling him a dog, comparing him to an animal, etc. Honestly, I was not thinking that at all, I just was trying to be resourceful and solve the problem for myself since I don’t like p**s on my bathroom floor and don’t like stepping in it, I didn’t feel like arguing about it anymore, and putting a material specifically meant to absorb pee around the area he keeps peeing on by accident seemed like a practical solution.. AITA?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
[Reddit User] − NTA if he pees like an animal then this is a perfectly appropriate solution. bf needs to grow up and be more considerate. This is disgusting.
Colcat98 − NTA. If he misses he needs to clean it up! This is why i make my bf sit. If he doesn’t there’s a mop waiting for him. You tried talking to him and he kept doing it.
magicaldesparity − NTA. If he can’t aim, he needs to sit his ass down. There’s no excuse to p**s everywhere when you’re a grown adult
Damnbee − Hahah this is a great one. You are NTA by far. Plenty of men miss the bowl, or dribble, or whatever. It happens. But we do absolutely need to be trained to clean up after ourselves, and if that fails, your solution is wonderful. The fact he got so offended at being compared to a dog is on him – apparently your dog is better trained than he is. That’s gotta sting his ego.
Fluuuuubs − NTA- Jfc hes been peeing for 30yrs, he should have a handle on it by now and you’ve been more patient than most people would be. Next time he does it get a spray bottle of water and sternly tell him “NO! BAD!”.
queerhedgehog − NTA! He’s a 30 year old grown-ass man, he can learn to aim his pee. And if he truly can’t, he can learn to clean up after himself like an adult human should. This is a big deal- it shows he has so little respect or consideration for you that he’s forcing you to clean up his pee several times a week, instead of aiming his own penis at the toilet.
strtdrt − NTA. Absolutely. I’m a guy and my aim sucks. I pay the price for this by constantly having to get down on my hands and knees and clean it up. I made my p**s bed and I will lie in it like an adult.
edit: good lord i thought it was clear i was being facetious but here’s an edit clarifying that no i don’t actually p**s all over the floor every time i use the bathroom and you fuckin bet if it were really that much of a problem i would sit down
misstiff1971 − NTA, if can’t pee in the toilet like a clean adult adult – he needs to sit down OR relearn to use the toilet. Manners for goodness sake. He is a guest in your home. Don’t pee on the floor.
[Reddit User] − Last summer I laid out newspaper to prove a point to my teenager. You don’t want to be treated like a slob stop being a slob or learn to clean up after yourself. Are you supposed to beg him to wipe up his own urine?. NTA.
[Reddit User] − NTA if he doesn’t want to be treated like an animal then he needs to p**s in the toilet only. This person is 30? What? I admit I can’t really say what pissing out of a d**k is like but I know it’s not impossible to get it in the toilet.
I’ve lived with men, I have a dad, I’ve used the bathroom after them and have never experienced this problem. Did his parents not toilet train him? I don’t understand how you can pee on the floor of someone else’s home and not clean it up. I would send him back to his roommates. He is being so gross and disrespectfull by doing this in your home.
Do you think the Redditor’s creative solution was a harmless way to deal with an ongoing issue, or did it cross the line by offending her boyfriend? How would you address a frustrating habit like this in a relationship? Share your thoughts below!