AITA for possibly stealing from a convenience store multiple times and not saying anything about it.

A Redditor recently shared a wild story of unintentionally scoring free items from a convenience store for weeks, believing they’d found a glitch in the system. After enjoying countless hard-boiled eggs and energy drinks at no cost, they discovered the unexpected truth about why their purchases weren’t being charged. Did they accidentally become a thief or just overlook an honest mistake? Read the full story below for the hilarious twist.
‘ AITA for possibly stealing from a convenience store multiple times and not saying anything about it.’
For the last year I’ve had a rewards card to a local gas station chain that lets me get deals and store coupons. About a week ago I went into the store to get a beverage, and swiped my rewards card before swiping my debit, however after the card reader finished processing the rewards card the total due went to 0 and the cashier asked if I wanted a receipt.
At this point I figured I had just used a deal I don’t know about, but the next time I went the same thing happened. So the next several times I’ve gone I’ve made around 10 dollar purchases with a variety of different items, and every single time it’s been free.
I’m thinking something is wrong and I should tell someone, but I kinda wanna keep getting free stuff. AITA?. Update: Hi guys I thought I had the golden ticket, I really did. I thought I had the coveted, all expenses paid, lifetime gas station experience moving forward. The rewards card that wouldn’t stop rewarding.
Last night I dreamed about all the bags of mixed nuts, the hardest of the boiled eggs, the bottles of old orange juice, the not-so-hot dogs that have been rolling right next to the hispanic egg rolls for the last 6 hours, that were just sitting there waiting for me to get my grubby, stinky little paws on them.
I wanted to ask you fine people if I was the a**hole real quick before I went balls deep and pilfered my way through a Midwest convenience store chain. I’ll be honest I didn’t care what people said though. I was high on the fact that I had, more or less, the most power in the entire world.
After I made the post I made my daily trip to indulge in my kingdom, not caring that like 15 people on my post had just been like, “I mean you kinda s**k as a person overall like a 0/10 also your ugly and your posture is bad you need to fix that it’s good for your spinal health and overall makes you feel better and more confident, but yeah you shouldn’t steal”
I made my way around the store picking up every possible box of hard boiled eggs, and also grabbed an energy drink cause I was sleepy. And then I went to perform the maneuver. I strode passionately, arms filled to the brim with eggness, to the front counter.. It was a gift card.
I had completely forgotten my giver of birth had given it to me like 2 months ago, and it had stayed hidden in my wallet until last week in a frantic, anxiety filled search for the rewards card, I found it and my dumb little brain couldn’t read the text that said “gift card” on the bottom.
I’m not going to lie a tear or two fell when the cashier was like “alright weirdo, there was $5.29 left on that, now you owe $43.82.” But I sucked it up and paid, and now all I have is sadness and a fair amount of protein and amino acids at only 77 calories per portion.
TL;DR I thought I had it all but now I just have a lot of eggs.
Update 2: to everyone saying this is a made up story, I can tell you unfortunately it is not. I wouldn’t be able to eggzagerate something like this.
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
star_guardian_carol − NAH – I wouldn’t call you an ass hole. You’re doing the process they required for the rewards program. It’s not your fault it’s flawed and no one has caught on.
For reference, I used to work for a call center for a large cable company. A guy called in every single month to find out what his bill was for the previous month. For 3 years, his apartment complex paid this bill without billing him for it. So he just stored the money in a savings account, just in case.
amerioca − After the update YTI (You’re the i**ot). And hard boiled eggs at a convenience store?? Wtf? I love eggs, anyway possible, but from a convenience store???
cissii − LOL @ that update.
ClaraElizabethCohen − NAH but you probably wanna check they haven’t signed you up for a rewards credit card and you’re just creating a big bill. I’ve had a rewards card that’s a rewards credit card and you just pay off the balance when you pay, but this cashier might not know that or care, so you’re just creating a huge bill
MopeyDragonfly − I’m dying 😂 did you really buy $400 worth of eggs at a gas station??
jacksaysguys − THanks for the update. I suggest you could make your fortune writing comical short stories and need not want to eggs ever again.
TheValiantWhippet − Oh dear God this was a f**king glorious read!
Elvish_Eleanor − Well this is after your update so almost a moot point. But I really want to comment regardless for two reasons. First, your update is pretty funny and well written, I appreciate the amusement this morning.
Second, YTA. If the situation were reversed (you being charged for things you weren’t getting) you would have it corrected, right? Don’t be a h**ocrite / thief (if something like this actually happens and doesn’t end up being a gift card that is.)
snickers_snickers − YTA. Proteins *are* amino acids. You don’t need to specify both in this instance.
Coziestpigeon2 − I made my way around the store picking up every possible box of hard boiled eggs. No one deserves to do this to themselves. Help exists, you don’t need to live your life this way.
Was this just a case of innocent confusion, or should the Redditor have realized sooner that something was off? Have you ever accidentally benefited from a system error without realizing it? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!