AITA for planning to tell my friends that our friend’s pregnancy and boyfriend might all be fake?


A Redditor faces a dilemma about revealing their suspicions regarding a friend’s potentially fabricated pregnancy and long-distance boyfriend.

The friend, who announced her pregnancy earlier this year, has shared inconsistent details, including a lack of ultrasound pictures, an unchanged physique despite being in her third trimester, and a boyfriend no one has ever met.


After a recent miscarriage claim with no apparent medical follow-up or funeral, the group is left questioning whether their friend’s story is truthful. Should the Redditor share their concerns with the group or stay silent? Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for planning to tell my friends that our friend’s pregnancy and boyfriend might all be fake?’

I (20F) have a friend named Monica (19F), and earlier this year she announced that she was pregnant to our group of friends from her boyfriend. We all have been supporting her throughout the whole process. However, there are some things that are really suspicious.

When she announced her gender reveal to us, she couldn’t give us any ultrasound pics (digital or print). She said that the hospital still had to deliver the pictures to her, but she has never shown us the ultrasound pics, even though it has been months since the gender reveal.


Also, she said she took last semester off from school because her parents told guidance, and they said they didn’t want a pregnant student walking around campus. However, they allowed her to return this semester, despite the fact that she should be showing more since she’s in her third term.

By the way, she also does not show at all. Her stomach has stayed the exact same, despite the fact she should be eight months pregnant now. There is also her ldr boyfriend. They’ve been dating for 2+ years now, and no one has ever seen, or heard him.


No one knows what he looks like except for the descriptions she gave us, which is that he is a six foot tall premed student, who has a six pack. No one has ever spoken to him on the phone, even those closest to her in our circle and have known her for ever five years.

He has an Instagram account, but it has no posts, profile pic, or tagged posts. His bio is purely about Monica, and all of his followers are roleplay accounts (they both do online roleplay), or are our friends. He also comes to visit her every few months from the UK, yet he always has to go before we can hangout him.


If miscarriages are triggering for you, please skip this part. She recently informed our circle that she had a miscarriage. She said that her baby didn’t make it, and she has to be induced. She was supposed to be induced this weekend yet she did not leave her house at all (we all have life360), and went to school the very next day.

When one of our friends asked about a funeral, she said her parents just want to sweep it under the rug, so there will be no funeral. All of this written down makes it seem that it is really fake, but I want to state that we did not have a reason to doubt her.


We’ve had each other’s back since highschool and we’ve been on many trips and bonding experiences that made us genuinely believe that we were friends for life. Our friend group started because of Monica. The only people she told about this pregnancy were our circle and she was very secretive about it.

We cannot think of any motivation or reasons why she would lie, so this mostly stayed at the back of everyone’s mind until her miscarriage. She is very caring to us friends, even going out of her way to host hangouts and, at times, sponsor people’s meals.


Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

SFGal28 −  I think what you’re getting at is that you’re worried about your friend. The whole story does seem made up and it’s a pretty big lie. I would talk to her 1:1, do not discuss with friends, just you and her. Don’t gossip about it afterwards, just have a conversation.

If you do, know you are taking a chance that it might ruin your friendship. NTA if you keep it between you two. YTA if you start gossiping about it and don’t talk directly to her.


Spiritual-Phoenix −  Here is something I have not seen any other commenter say: Have you considered reaching out to her parents? In your post, you mentioned that she claims her parents want to sweep it all under the rug. Which implies that they know about the baby and the miscarriage.

You could reach out to them, since you’ve been friends with this girl since high school, and just ask them how she’s doing. Say something like: “Wanted to check in on friend, I know she said there wasn’t going to be a funeral for the baby, but I wanted to see if there was another way I could offer my support?”


If she’s lying, it will clue her parents in, and maybe they will tell you. More importantly, they’ll hopefully get her help she needs if she’s lying. Granted, if she’s lying, your discovering the truth will probably end your friendship with her, so prepare for that…

If she’s not lying, and she might not be, not all women show heavily when they’re pregnant for various reasons, that gives you an opportunity to offer your friend support. The family may not want to have a funeral, her parents may be trying to help their daughter move on, hour friend may be trying to move past the loss.


You don’t know. It’s important you don’t make accusations. She sounds important to you, so don’t destroy a friendship on suspicions. And if it turns out she wasn’t lying, take this as a lesson in the future.

Also, who is the “WE” in your post? You say “we would be accusing” or “we wouldn’t spread it around”. Who’s we? Have you and some of your friend group already discussed this?


I will say this does sound very suspicious, but as you don’t have definitive proof, YWBTA if you told your friends. Don’t say anything if you don’t have proof she’s lying, because then your friend group might turn on you, with her leading the charge.

OriginalNo4902 −  So I’m not going to call YTA, I will give you some insight. I have lost a few pregnancies so has my sister. My sister was third term and she didn’t show bc baby didn’t develop properly, she was cremated and no service was held, she was 20 and went to college the Monday after.


None of mine were able to be cremated due to pathology. Her parents might think moving on is best for her. Also I lost 30 lbs when I had my son I didn’t look pregnant at all, most my family don’t show till 2 weeks before due if they do at all.

As for the photos my sister is pregnant now and only has one set of sonogram photos, she’s being induced tomorrow at 41weeks and doesn’t look pregnant still.


I’d be very careful how you handle your concerns while she might be like my family she might also be going through a mental/emotional breakdown and you cornering could cause severe damage to her mental health.

Bootastical −  You haven’t expressed a point to you going and telling your friends you think she’s lying? Is it just to gossip? What are you looking for here? I will say, reading all this it does sound incredibly fabricated.


However, if there is ANY chance she has been truthful (and you don’t have access to her medical records so you have no actual evidence she is lying), then you going around telling people you think she was lying would be incredibly cruel. I’m gonna say YTA here, since there ultimately seems to be little point in you talking with your friends about this?

Salty_Ant_5098 −  everyone saying yta have obviously never had a friend that lies about everything. NTA, wanting to know if your friend is a l**r doesn’t make you an a**hole but lying about pregnancy and miscarriage does.


SpaceAceCase −  Info: are you guys in college? At 19 and 20 guidance can’t make someone not go to school because their parents told them about a pregnancy… Your other friends might be just as sus as you, does this friend have a history of lying?

TheRealRedParadox −  Honestly, based on the evidence you’ve provided, I’d absolutely believe she’s lying. However, not really your place to say. I’d simply stop being her friend cause faking a miscarriage is gross as f**k. If anyone asks say you don’t trust her anymore and don’t elaborate.

Miserable_Dentist_70 −  This weird situation is over. Let it go. Whatever is going on with this person your best bet it just to start separating. I have no idea what positive outcome you see from talking to others about your suspicions.. YWBTA, just leave it.

Big_Owl1220 −  NTA- You should be able to search for a birth and d**th certificate. At 8 months, that’s not a miscarriage, that’s a still birth. None of it sounds even remotely true, and if all a lie, your friend needs lots and lots of professional help.

If she does this, and doesn’t get any help, next time it could be worse, and have legal or criminal ramifications. I would contact whatever family she has, woth your concerns. You should probably step back for awhile, bc lying is a dangerous habit. It can have major consequences, not just for her but for any near her.

Done_with-everything −  NTA. OP is not the one ruining the friendship, these YTA replies have to be trolls, bots or just wildly entitled and out of touch with reality. In fact, all these YTA people are probably individuals who would make up lies similar to the friend. The one who ruined the friendship was the one selling lies and peddling in emotional manipulation.

Seriously, did y’all even read the post? What guidance counselor would tell a girl to take a semester break because “they don’t want a pregnant student walking around campus”. Learn to read or just stop trolling. Absolutely ridiculous the things I am reading on the internet.

Should the Redditor voice their suspicions and risk damaging their friendship group, or should they give their friend the benefit of the doubt? How would you approach a situation where a close friend’s claims don’t add up? Share your thoughts below!

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