AITA for picking a restaurant my stepsiblings couldn’t eat at?


A Reddit user is grappling with family dynamics after choosing a restaurant for a birthday celebration with her uncle that her stepsiblings couldn’t eat at. After years of accommodating her stepsiblings’ food allergies, which often dictated family dining choices, she finally opted for her favorite place when given the chance.

This decision led to tension with her father and his wife, who felt she was inconsiderate, particularly since her stepsiblings were present and unable to eat. Now, she questions whether she was wrong for prioritizing her own preferences over her stepsiblings’ needs.


‘AITA for picking a restaurant my stepsiblings couldn’t eat at?’





Navigating family dynamics, especially in blended families, can be challenging. In blended families, it’s common for children to feel that their needs are secondary to those of their stepsiblings. This imbalance can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration. According to, establishing healthy boundaries and open communication is crucial in blended families to ensure that each child’s needs are acknowledged and respected.

In your situation, choosing a restaurant that accommodates your stepsiblings’ allergies is considerate. However, it’s also important to recognize your own needs and desires. Balancing these can be difficult, but it’s essential for maintaining healthy family relationships. The National Board for Certified Counselors suggests that understanding and adjusting expectations can help alleviate growing resentments and conflicts among family members.


Additionally, food allergies can impose a significant psychosocial burden on families, affecting both the individuals with allergies and their caregivers. This burden can lead to stress and anxiety, impacting family dynamics. A study published in the journal Allergy highlights the importance of providing psychological support to families managing food allergies to improve their quality of life.

Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

Many people in the Reddit community have expressed sympathy and support for your decision in this situation. They believe that you have the right to choose your favorite restaurant, especially on your birthday, and that it is unfair that you cannot do so for a long time. Some people have emphasized that it is unfair that you cannot choose your favorite restaurant for a long time. They encourage you to take advantage of such moments to reward yourself.







Navigating family relationships can be tricky, especially in blended families where competing needs often clash. The OP’s experience raises an important question about balance: How can families ensure everyone’s needs are met without sacrificing individual happiness? What would you do if you found yourself in a similar situation? Share your thoughts and experiences below!


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  1. Rhiannon 2 months ago

    Yes, you’re a bit of an AH, but your father and stepmother are more of ones. You obviously have a lot of resentment built up and I’m sorry. You should be able to have your way once in a while as well as be able to go out with your uncle without having to take the stepsiblings. That absolutely should be allowed and I’m sorry you don’t have that.

    It’s not your step-siblings fault, though. There was literally nothing they eat there? Nothing they could drink? No snacks that could have been picked up ahead of time and taken there for them? How would you feel if the situation was reversed. Yeah, I think you were an AH to your step-siblings because you took out your resentment against your folks on them. The greater AHs, however, are your father and stepmother. You shouldn’t have to always be the one who never gets their way.