AITA for parking next to a car that parked on the line?
A driver shares their experience of parking next to a car that was slightly over the line in a CVS parking lot. When returning to their vehicle, the other driver accused them of parking too close and implied that it was their fault if their door caused any damage. The original poster feels confused, as they parked correctly and didn’t touch the other car. Was this an overreaction, or was the other driver in the wrong? Read on to see what happened next.
‘ AITA for parking next to a car that parked on the line?’
I’m blown away by this opinion and need to crowdsource validation. Tonight, I drove CVS to pick up popcorn for a Christmas movie with my kids. I parked in the closet open parking spot to the door. When I get out, I notice the car next to mine was very close. I had to squeeze through a cracked door just to get out (Note: I made sure I did not touch their car with my door at all).
I double-checked to see if I parked poorly and I was right in the middle of the spot. However, the car next to me was on the line. Not over the line, but the wheels were touching the line. For context, I have a Chevy Bolt, a small EV car. The other car was a midsize suv, like a Toyota RAV4. I didn’t think much of it. My kids were waiting and I wanted to get in and get out.
When I come back, the owner of the other car is checking for possible dings (presumably from my car door opening). They were about to get in when they saw me walk up to. Then, we had this interaction.. Them: Is this your car?. Me: Yes, it is. Them: Why did you park next to me when there are so many other spots? There were other open spots in the row behind our cars.
Me: I just parked in the closest spot to the store. Them: You’re so close to my car when you could have parked anywhere else. Me: I’m parked in the middle of the spot and you’re on the line.
Them: If I ding your car with my door, “it’s more your fault than mine”.. Me: Your car is on the line. Them: “That’s not really relevant.” Says as she gets in her car.
Am I the a**hole here? I never would have thought to check if the cars on the other side of me had parked well before I pulled in. TL;DR: I parked next to someone whose car was on the line, making our cars very close. They said it’s my fault if their door dings mine since I could have parked elsewhere. AITA?
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
heybigirl − NTA – this is honestly the person just being annoying, you didnt do anything to their car why are they trying to start an issue.
nabilbaracat − NTA. They parked over the line—period. Tell that scrooge to buzz off!
Woodysteve65 − I once had a car park next to me over the line next to my drivers door. I had to open my door and push in the side of their car door to get in. It was the only.way to get in my car that was parked in a disabled spot. I don’t feel in.the wrong in any way.
Sure_Flamingo_2792 − Depends on if they parked this way because car on other side had been too close. You didn’t know how big they were or if they could get into the car. ESH.
KellyM14 − I’d say yes YTA you absolutely should be paying attention when you’re parking. If you had hit her car you’d be at fault. Also you said she was on the line not over it so she’s not in your parking space.