AITA for not watching Deadpool 3 with my boyfriend?

OP’s boyfriend Deadpool 3 in theaters before it leaves, despite not having seen the first two movies. OP, a fan who has watched the prior movies, suggested they watch Deadpool 1 and 2 first to catch him up on the storyline, but he refused, saying he’d just enjoy the new one on its own.
OP doesn’t want to go if he hasn’t seen the earlier films, as she feels he won’t fully understand the movie and might ask questions during the viewing. OP suggested he go alone, but he thinks her reluctance is unreasonable and says she’s overreacting to the situation.
‘ AITA for not watching Deadpool 3 with my boyfriend?’
I can’t even believe this is a problem but my boyfriend randomly brought up going to see Deadpool 3 this week since it’s out of theatres after Wednesday. He’s never seen 1 and 2 but I have. I basically said “sure we’d have to watch 1 and 2 this week” which he said he doesn’t want to.
I have no desire to sit in a movie theatre with someone who has no idea what’s going on so I said I don’t want to go, which he’s annoyed about now. He said that he heard it’s a good movie and he doesn’t care that he doesn’t know what’s going on.
I don’t want to have to answer questions and if anything comes up in the movie that relates to 1 or 2 I can’t even talk about it since he has no idea what’s going on at all.
That doesn’t seem like a fun time and I don’t feel like going to a movie theatre when I could just watch it alone in bed, I’d basically be watching it alone anyway. It’s the same thing if someone wanted to read book 3 of a series without 1 and 2, that makes no sense to me if you have no idea what led up to that. I told him to go himself then, I don’t want to waste a trip to the movie theatre for this.
He thinks I’m an a**hole and it’s not normal to think this way and I just don’t even know why it’s an issue to begin with. I feel like it’s probably pretty common so I figured I’d see how Reddit felt.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
[Reddit User] − YTA. I watched it without seeing the others because I’m not a marvel fan, but my friends are. I got it. It’s not Shakespeare or Dostoevsky or even LOTR. The plots are very, very easy to follow. The plot stands alone anyway.
Besides, it’s abundantly clear that in order to get EVERY reference you have to have seen the entire back catalogue of marvel, not just Deadpool. Your boyfriend wants to do something with you that you clearly enjoy and you get pissy at him and make it difficult? Ray of Sunshine you are.
MChand87 − YTA for calling it Deadpool 3. It’s Deadpool & Wolverine !!
IOnlySayMeanThings − It’s not a contiguous story. It’s a stand alone movie that features the same character as in the first two fimls, that’s why it’s not called “Deadpool 3”
Majestic_feline00 − I kind of think it wasn’t so much about seeing Deadpool 3 as much as it was him asking you to go out with him and spend time with him watching something you’d enjoy. That’s darn considerate of you ask me since he hadn’t seen the first two. YTA
Anxious-Routine-5526 − I’m sure to be downvoted for this, but NTA. I get what you’re saying. It’s not about whether or not he’s seen the other films for you. It’s about him not having seen the others and as a result annoying you to the point of not being able to enjoy the viewing experience if he’s wanting/expecting you to fill in the missing pieces.
I had that happen back in the day with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and my mom insisted on seeing the second film with me without having seen the first. I’d say do what I did, go with, but make it clear you WON’T explain jack during the film.
Honestly, since Deadpool and Wolverine isn’t a direct story sequel, you should be fine going. Your boyfriend can enjoy and understand it without seeing the other two. You’ll probably get even more out of it for having seen the other films in the series as well as other superhero films.
4games1 − YTA. It is Deadpool, not LOTR:Return of the King. He does not need to watch every Deadpool and X-men movie to get it. It is not that deep.
FrustratedEgret − INFO: Are you upset that he might ask you questions or upset he only wants to see the movie now that his boys are telling him it’s good?
PuzzleheadedAct3431 − YTA, you can totally see this movie without seeing 1 and 2. Plus this is Wolverine and Deadpool not Deadpool 3
ReviewOk929 − YTA – I have a feeling that Ryan Reynolds is very disappointed in you right now and can only imagine the look that Negasonic Teenage Warhead would give you if she read this.
Mr-Nobody-10-7 − I had fun one time. It was terrible.