AITA for not wanting to pay the extra money my MIL put for a gift I didn’t ask for?

A woman’s mother-in-law (MIL) gave her an $80 coffee machine, though she hadn’t requested it. The MIL later asked her to pay $30, explaining she had only planned to spend $50 on the gift but couldn’t find a cheaper machine. The recipient refused to pay, questioning why the MIL didn’t simply buy a $50 gift instead.

The MIL responded by threatening to take the machine back if she didn’t receive the extra money. Now, the woman’s husband is pressuring her to pay the $30, as he has become attached to the coffee machine. She, however, feels it’s unfair to pay for a gift she didn’t ask for.

‘ AITA for not wanting to pay the extra money my MIL put for a gift I didn’t ask for?’

My MIL bought me a new coffee machine. I don’t why as the one I have is still working fine but whatever, I accepted. Before leaving, she told me I needed to pay her $30. I ask why and she said that she planned on putting only $50 in the gift but the cheapest coffee machine she could find was around $80 so I needed to put the $30 she added for the machine.

That confused me because, if she planned on only putting a certain amount in the gift (that I, once again, didn’t ask for) then why not give up the coffee machine idea and buy something that actually was $50?

She said she didn’t care about paying more if it made me happy, I said well clearly you do care otherwise you wouldn’t ask me to pay the extra $30? She said it was just a matter of principle and that if I had manner I’d pay her. She then left.

She later texted my husband that she was waiting on the $30 and would take back the coffee machine if I didn’t. I told my husband to respond that she could come take it back cause I was not gonna give her the $30.

My husband is not okay with that because he got “attached” to the machine, whatever that means, and to just give her the $30. I told my husband if he wanted to keep the machine then he should give his mom the money she wants.

He said I needed to do it because the gift is originally mine, even though I never asked for it. He said I was making this harder than it need to be and was s**lfish to not pay the extra $30 for the coffee machine his mom got me, especially knowing that he likes it.

I have a hard time seeing how I’m wrong so I’m coming here because there might be a chance that i AM in the wrong. Should I just give his mom the $30 like she asks and be done with it?

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

Ok-Classic8323 ( Top 1 ) says

Your MIL and Husband want you to pay for a gift you didn’t want and didn’t need.
Don’t pay her and tell her why. You didn’t want a Coffee machine, your old one is fine and why should you pay for a gift you didn’t want. Tell you husband the same.

Ok_Conversation9750 ( Top 2 ) says

NTA and wtf re: your MIL?
MIL: “here’s something you don’t need. I need you to pay for it.”
OP: “no thanks”
MIL: (clasps pearls) “the impertinence! have you no manners? Here I brought you something you have no need for, called it a gift, and then insisted you pay me for it, and you *refuse??”*
OP’s husband: “pay for it! I want it!”
What kind of family did you marry into?

Crafty-Gardener ( Top 3 ) says

RELATED:  AITAH for refusing to go on any more vacations with my friends who have toddlers.

So let me get this right. Your MIL was going to spend $50 on a gift for you, instead spent $80 on a coffee machine you neither asked for or wanted. MIL then wants back the $30 back because she decided to go over her budget. Husband likes coffee machine that was gifted to you, so wants YOU to pay back MIL for over spending.

Now you’re being called s**lfish for not paying back $30 your MIL decided to over spend on a gift you didn’t want or ask for. Am I getting that right, what f**cking planet are your MIL and husband on? Seriously if the money is that much of an issue and hubby wants the machine, then he needs to pay mommy back. NTA

[deleted] ( Top 4 ) says

NTA and your MIL and husband are. Dude, you’re attached to the machine? Give your mom the $30. Reading that whole story just gave me the ick. There is literally zero chance that you are in the wrong. And for all the reasons you said. I honestly can’t even add anything else because you said it all.

EmmaKT ( Top 5 ) says

NTA – and are you sure your husband didn’t ask your MIL specifically to buy that coffee machine because he wanted it?

Icy_Department_1423 ( Top 6 ) says

NTA. It is not a gift if the recipient has to pay for it, unless it was a situation discussed beforehand where the gifter is putting money toward a gift that the recipient wants but doesn’t have the money for.

Prangelina ( Top 7 ) says

NTA. And she can come and take back her bloody machine. Also if your hubs is so attached to it (WTF) why does HE not give her the 30? I can’t wrap my head around the fact people as your MIL and DH exist.

OneTakeCaryisBarry ( Top 8 ) says

Send your husband to live with his mommy. They can have a circlejerk over a thirty dollar mister coffee machine together like the lovers they are

BuzzyLightyear100 ( Top 9 ) says

Did she get the idea for the coffee machine from your husband? Is this another ‘bowling ball named Homer’ kind of scenario? It seems a little too convenient that your husband absolutely loves a gift that you never even wanted to receive from his mother.

Husband asking you to pay the $30… I have no idea. Has he recently started smoking crack, by any chance? Too weird. NTA, but there may be more going on here. Keep digging.

SaltineSupernova ( Top 10 ) says

Don’t let these people gaslight you. Gifts don’t come with strings attached.

Who’s in the wrong here—the MIL for attaching conditions to the gift, or the woman for refusing to pay? Have you ever faced something similar? Share your thoughts in the comments!