AITA for not waking up my girlfriend for her exam after I overheard her calling me a little b**ch?


A Reddit user shares their experience with their girlfriend, who has a tendency to sleep through her alarms. He usually helps by waking her up for important events like exams, as she jokingly refers to him as her “butler.” However, after overhearing her call him a “little bitch” while chatting with her friends, the user felt hurt.

She had mentioned that she wouldn’t worry about waking up because he would handle it. In retaliation, he decided not to wake her up for her exam, leading to her being late and furious with him. The user is now wondering if they were wrong for not waking her up, given the situation. Read the original story below to learn more.


‘ AITA for not waking up my girlfriend for her exam after I overheard her calling me a little b**ch?’

My girlfriend has online summer courses and she had an exam for one of them this morning. I usually wake her up for pretty much everything because she sleeps through her phone alarm no matter how long it buzzes or how many she sets. She has joked that I’m her butler before and within the context of a relationship it’s ok so I didn’t mind, obviously I want to love my partner and try make her life easy.

However last night she was chatting with her friends and she thought I couldn’t hear. She was bragging that I’m her little b**ch and I do everything for her when she tells me to, etc. It really hurt my feelings because they were making comments like ‘good, put him in his place’ and she was agreeing. She specifically said ‘yeah I’m not worried about tomorrow because the b**ch will make sure I’m up and he’ll probably have breakfast ready for me too’.


I went to bed pretty hurt by it, and come morning I didn’t bother to wake her up when her alarm started to go. She usually only gets up when someone physically shakes her, but I let her turn off her alarm and she slipped back into sleep and I turned around and went back to sleep too. When she woke up she was yelling at me saying I’m an a**hole and I’ve cost her her exam and I’m a piece of s**t for what I did.

UPDATE: I wasn’t expecting this many replies so fast. I think we’re breaking up. I told her this morning after she called me a ‘b**ch’ for being upset re being called a b**ch, lol, but she says she’s not done with me.
I’m just trying to get through today’s shift and then deal with stuff later. I’ll try and get back as I can.


We’ve been together a year and it was my first real relationship but I’m tired of her not acknowledging how s**tty she made me feel and still calling me a b**ch. That word is really making me feel s**t and small.

Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

spicyprincess1621 −  NTA. Your girlfriend sounds incredibly a**sive. You shouldn’t have to put up with that. Don’t wait for any more red flags. GET OUT OF THIS NOW. You deserve better.


Frost_Goldfish −  Dude, the way she talked about you is horrible. Forget about petty revenge and leave, you deserve better.. Edited to add : NTA.

sqitten −  NTA. As long as you break up with her immediately.


Throwout4789 −  NTA. Now it’s time to just break up with her. If you keep being passive aggressive and doing things like this, you’ll quickly become an a**hole too. Better to leave this toxic environment.

IridianRaingem −  NTA. After what she said you should have confronted her right then and there. Embarrassed her in front of her friends by letting them hear that you heard them. If that’s how she acts when she thinks no one can hear her imagine what you haven’t heard. You need to talk to her. She needs to apologize and grow up. You can do better than that.


Personally, just the alarm thing would be a dealbreaker for me. Dealt with it once for a few days in college and I was ready to smash her phone. You don’t get more sleep by setting an alarm for every 10 minutes. You cost the other three girls in the hotel room an hour worth of sleep and make everyone hate you…

claroquesearight −  ESH. Her exponentially more than you, but you did a s**tty thing. I’d d**p her. You know, what you could have done is woken her up just in time for the exam and broken up with her right then. Still would a been a rude move but less destructive for her and maybe more satisfying than the passively aggressive move to just let her sleep. Anyway, sounds like you’re still with her. I’d get out of that ASAP.


mew4ever23 −  Karma’s a b**ch, isn’t it? NTA, get out of there. You deserve better.

CermaitLaphroaig −  ESH. Her obviously WAAAAAY more than you, by a mile. But instead of petty vengeance, you should have said “what the f**k was that you said to your friend?” and dealt with it.


gangster-napper −  NTA but also definitely d**p this girl.

Volusto −  NTA, she didn’t respect you. So why would you do anything helpful for her? Also get out of that relationship.


Do you think the user was justified in withholding help after being hurt by their girlfriend’s comments, or should they have continued to fulfill their usual role? How would you handle a similar situation where your efforts for a partner were taken for granted? Share your thoughts below and let us know what you think!

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  1. Patti Lisenbee 2 months ago

    LEAVE HER NOW! If that’s what she said when you’re around, think of what she’s said when you weren’t. she is abusive to you and it will only get worse.