AITA for not moving out of the way while getting off the plane for a tantrum throwing child (not mine)?

A Reddit user describes a tense moment while deplaning after a Thanksgiving weekend flight. When a mother’s tantrum-throwing child blocked the aisle, the user refused to move out of the way to accommodate the family, stating they needed to grab their bag. The situation escalated when the mother insisted the user move, leading to a standoff. Was the user in the wrong for not backing down? Read the full story below!
‘ AITA for not moving out of the way while getting off the plane for a tantrum throwing child (not mine)?’
Everyone knows the joy of deplaning after a long Thanksgiving weekend. This flight was four hours long and understandably when we reached the gate everyone was ready to deplane. I was in an aisle seat so I stood up to get my bag from above, as did the gentleman across from me and those in front of me.
A mother with two kids (maybe 3 & 4?) behind me let both of them crawl over their seats and join both her and her husband in the aisle as well, which made things very crowded. The youngest crammed himself between me and his sister and started throwing an absolute tantrum- pushing his sister, yelling at his dad who was trying to pick him up (saying “let me go! I hate you dad!” To which his mom replied in a sing song voice “we don’t talk to daddy that way [insert kid’s name].”
The people in the aisles behind this mess moved back to their seats to make room for the little girl he was pushing back and the mom – in a much sterner voice than what she used with her tantrum throwing child, asked me “can you please move your body out of his way?” At first I assumed she was talking to her husband because he was crammed in the aisle too. But when she said it again and tapped on my shoulder I realized she was talking to me.
I couldn’t move forward because there were people in the row ahead of me grabbing their bags, and I still needed to get my bag down as well. Meanwhile the kid is still screaming. So I simply said- “I’m sorry- I need to get my bag” to which she responded – “well your b**t is in his face!” At that point I wasn’t going to sit back down in my seat to accommodate her family of four crowding into the aisle. So I stayed, grabbed my bag, and deplaned. AITA for refusing to move out of the way?
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
Sprigganzee − NTA Dismissing her child’s behavior entirely with a teasing tone instead of disciplining his behavior and taking her frustration out on you. tsk tsk tsk. she can learn to be patient. You weren’t in the way, she’s just entitled. The people farther up the plane get off first. Thats just how it be. Edit: holy moly thanks for all of the upvotes and award.
NoRazzmatazz564 − NTA. The parents created the problem. You were doing what everyone normally does in a plane. Doing what she asked would just further encourage her entitlement.
the-italian-american − NTA. I would’ve farted to teach both the kid and the mom a valuable lesson.
Blueberry-Jam-23 − NTA. “Well your b**t is in his face!”. “His face is in my ass and if he doesn’t move it he’s going to get farted on”
Ireland1169 − NTA. You cannot change stupid, ignoring her was the best thing to do. Pity you couldn’t fart on demand, that would have cleared the area behind you.
Outrageous_Emu8503 − “You be as stern with your kid as you are with me, Lady, and maybe you wouldn’t have this problem!” (Say it in a sing song voice.). NTA.
az22hctac − “Then maybe you would all be more comfortable back in your seats?” NTA.
kathycorn13 − OP *in a sing song voice*: We don’t talk to strangers that way.
Aware_Welcome_8866 − I was all ready to judge you as the ahole, until I read about the attitude the mom gave you. NTA. Not all people have small children and may not know what would be helpful, so you ask – nicely. NTA.
volumeoforgottenlore − Yeah, f**k these people lmao.