AITA for not letting my younger brother use my car anymore after he spilled soda in it?

An 18-year-old recounts the fallout after banning their younger brother from using their car. Despite being warned not to allow food or drinks in the car, the brother allowed a friend to spill soda, leaving a stain and lingering smell. Now, the Redditor is facing backlash from their family for refusing to let him drive again. Were they justified, or are they being too strict?
‘ AITA for not letting my younger brother use my car anymore after he spilled soda in it?’
I (18M) got my first car last year—a used but well-maintained sedan that I’ve worked hard to keep in great condition. I saved up for months working part-time to buy it, and I’m super proud of it. My younger brother (16M) just got his learner’s permit and has been borrowing my car occasionally to practice driving. I’ve been happy to let him use it as long as he’s careful and treats it with respect.
Last week, he asked to borrow my car to drive to a study group with his friends. I agreed but told him, as usual, **no food or drinks in the car**. When he got back, I noticed the sticky smell of soda and found a huge stain on the passenger seat.
When I confronted him, he admitted that one of his friends brought a soda, and it spilled during the drive. He didn’t clean it up or even tell me about it. I had to spend hours scrubbing the stain out, and the smell is still there.
I told him he’s not allowed to use my car anymore. He got upset, saying it was an accident and that I’m overreacting. My parents think I’m being too harsh and said I should just let him drive again as long as he’s more careful.
They even offered to pay for a detailing, but I feel like the point isn’t just about the mess, but that it’s about trust. He has been sulking all week and keeps complaining that I’m being unfair. My parents are pressuring me to change my mind, but I don’t think I’m wrong for setting boundaries when it’s *my* car.. AITA?
See what others had to share with OP:
OliverTreeFiddy − NTA. Have them pay for the detailing and then reaffirm that he’s not to use your car. Keep the keys on you. Aren’t there restrictions on learner’s permits like no other non-family members allowed and an older licensed driver must be in the front passenger seat?
TorrieDenali − Have your brother borrow your parents’ car, if they feel you’re being unreasonable.
Evening_Lock6267 − NTA. I would take a different approach though. Sit down with brother and parents and go over the rules of your car. Make it clear that food/drinks are not permitted in the car (besides maybe water? your call..) and if any food/drink spills are found they are responsible for a full interior professional detail service.
Assuming your brother cannot afford this, your parents would float the bill until he has consistent income. This would not only hold all family members accountable for their actions within your car, but if an accident does happen you know it will be covered. Write up a little contract if you need to and have them all sign it.
Graflex01867 − NTA. Little bro owes you a professional detailing/seat cleaning for the passenger seat. Accidents happen, but not telling you or trying to clean it up is not cool. Your parents wouldn’t be cool if he did that in their car, right?
lowkeybop − Nope. He lied to you. There has to be consequences or he will walk all over you.
Vegetable-Cod-2340 − NTA. He broke one of the rules of borrowing the car, and he didn’t even try fix it or offered to, he was going to hide it He let op find. He can’t be trusted, he doesn’t respect other people’s things.
Zestyclose_Reach7151 − Your parents can let the 16 year old take a lesson of responsibility consideration and respect for others’property. Also, he can very well learn to learn by your example and get a car with his own planning and sweat Your parents appear to enable the young man.
FunStorm6487 − And why can’t he use your parents car?
SageoftheForlornPath − NTA He didn’t even have the balls to admit it or the decency to try to clean it up.
Murky-Court8521 − In my state when you are a minor with a learners permit you cannot drive unless you have a family member in the car or an adult that is 25 years old. So you let your brother who does not have a license drive your car alone? What happens if he wrecks it and kills someone? You should be more worried about that instead of a spilled drink. Sorry, I’m not buying this story.