AITA for not letting my spouse drive my new car?


A Redditor shares a conflict with his spouse over their brand-new car. Just six days after buying it, his wife damaged the vehicle by running over a chunk of concrete, resulting in $1,000 in repairs. Now that the car is fixed, he’s hesitant to let her drive it again, which led to an argument when she asked to use it for groceries. They have a second car she regularly drives, but she’s upset that he won’t let her use the new one. Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for not letting my spouse drive my new car?’

So we bought a brand new car 2 weeks ago. 6 days after buying the car, and only 300 miles in, her and her sister were having a girl’s day. They made it 4 blocks when my wife ran over a large chunk of concrete blowing out the tire and rim.

It cost me $1000 to fix and about a week without a car. I got the car back last night, and she asked if she could use it to get the groceries, and she was upset when I told her no. Please note that we have a second car that she drives on a regular basis.


Here’s what people had to say to OP:

bluepvtstorm −  NTA. She has had the privilege of the new car while you got hand me downs. The first time, you get the new car and she is reckless with it. Nope. She will be fine.

breadgluvs −  Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of her own actions. NTA, not responsible, not her car.


karmakahana −  Some of these comments are crazy. For any of them who don’t understand: A married couple CAN share income AND STILL have separate things. Just because something is purchased with a joint account, does not necessarily mean that both people should *always* have access to that thing.

If a wife buys underwear, using a joint account, should the husband be expected rights to use that underwear? If a husband buys a toothbrush, with a joint account, should the wife be able to use it anytime she wants?


It’s not unreasonable to have the same opinion for larger purchases… like cars. Generally, a couple who has two cars usually deems that one belongs primarily to one person, and another primarily belongs to the other person. In fact, adding a car to insurance will require that you make this determination.

I’ve been married for many years. We’ve always had joint accounts, and we’ve never had the odd issues I see here often. It boils down to respect and communication between adults. Having said that, my car is my car, and my husband’s is his.


We don’t *disallow* each other to use the cars, but we ask out of courtesy. Each of us can still say “no” for whatever reason. Further, my husband just got a new car six months ago, and I have not driven it. I’ve been given opportunity, but I actually *encourage* my husband to have some things that are just his. OP is NTA.

ligmabofa69420 −  NTA. Some people aren’t good drivers.


C1sko −  NTA-She has her own car that she can be careless with.

neohampster −  Hell no. You just got that car back. This isn’t even about trust she literally JUST fucked up. NTA.


[Reddit User] −  NTA sounds like she’s tryna take over the only new car you’ve gotten too

OldestCrone −  NTA. My husband is also reckless with others’ possessions. I won’t even let him move my car in the driveway.


tabby51260 −  NTA.. Husband and I are going car shopping tomorrow for him. I am banned from driving it for a while due to the fact it will be:.

1. His primary vehicle


2. He’s getting an SUV/Crossover and I struggle with vehicles larger than my tiny Ford Focus.

I however, am very excited to be his passenger. It’ll also be nice to have on longer trips. Plus it’ll be our first vehicle newer than a 2010, and we are both so excited for the new bells and whistles vehicles come with since then.


pulchra_lunae −  INFO: Was this an unusual occurrence, or does she have history of driving issues like this?

Do you think the Redditor is being too harsh by not letting his wife drive the new car, or is his caution understandable given the recent accident? How would you handle this situation if it were your partner? Share your thoughts below!


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