AITA for not letting my bigger sister wear my clothes?

A 20-year-old woman has repeatedly refused to let her younger sister (15) borrow her clothes, as they no longer fit the younger sister due to recent weight gain. The clothes are tight-fitting and would stretch, but each refusal leads to yelling, name-calling, and hostility from her sister.
Despite her attempts to explain her reasoning gently, the conflict continues. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for not letting my bigger sister wear my clothes ?’
I 20F have a younger sister (15F) She’s gained a substantial amount of weight in the past year and we used to wear clothes in similar size, but now they’re just way too tight on her. I’m on the thinner side and most of my clothes are tight fitting styles.
Every week, she asks to wear my clothes and when I say no, she starts screaming at me, calling me names, swears, and yells. I’ve explained to her that I don’t want her stretching my clothes in the nicest way possible- but she just doesn’t understand and tells me i’m overreacting and calls me a b**ch.
It just happened just now again and i’m genuinely so tired of this. She’s pissed off at me now and is calling me names. So.. am I the a**hole for not letting my overweight sister wear my clothes?
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
Puzzleheaded-Age-240 − Of course you’re NTA. Has she been wearing clothing in a more appropriate size? If so, merely pointing out that she’s now wearing size Y and all of your clothes are size X might help her understand in an objective way what’s going on.
It sounds like she’s embarrassed by her weight gain and viewing the change in your willingness to share clothing as some sort of body-shaming rather than physics.Â
TemptingPenguin369 − NTA. It’s been 20 years and I still haven’t forgiven a uni housemate who wore a really pretty jumper of mine without my permission and stretched it out of shape forever.
Salty-Public3499 − NTA – you’re not the same size. Don’t make it about her weight, whenever she asks just say, we’re not the same size, so my clothes won’t fit you. Just keep saying that, DON’T engage in any fights she throws at you.
Sounds to me like she’s insecure about it and may be trying to deny her weight gain by proving to herself she can still fit in your clothes. Idk if that’s true, but just a thought. If it is, she’s also probably trying to get you to say she is so she can make you the bad guy and have someone to blame.. Anyway, good luck!
UnfairEntrance159 − NTA. You have the right to not lend your clothes, even if your sister was the same size as you. She shouldn’t verbally attack you just because you declined her request.
Sunshiny__Day − OP: You might want to find a way to lock up your clothes. Your sister may just start taking them without asking.
MonkeyMom2 − My younger sis would do the same, except she’s an a cup and I’m a b. She took some of my tops and altered them to cover her up more. Didn’t say a word to me . Didn’t find out until I got stuck in a top and had to rip it to get out. She also has a very round head with thick hair.
Stretched out several of my hats. 30 years and I’m still salty about it. So no, you are NTA at all.
minnie_mouse18 − As long as you don’t borrow her clothes and other stuff as well, then no. Some might dislike this, but as long as your rules applies both ways (includes shoes, bags, accessories, make-up) then sure, don’t lend her stuff. You want boundaries, it should go both ways.
Distinct_Carpet5696 − NTA. Is there a way you can hide or lock your clothes? Get a wooden trunk at the thrift store that can be padlocked closed. Your sister is not respecting your property, so you need to make sure she CANNOT access it. Locking it up so only you have access to your clothes will ensure she doesn’t destroy another shirt.
Stuck_In_Purgatory − Tell her, “sorry but our clothes aren’t the same size so I don’t want to share them”
Prestigious-Bluejay5 − Yeah, I find that the best way to get what you want is to attack and name call the people you are making requests from. /s
NTA. She’ll be back, asking again. Just say no, walk away and leave it at that.
Is she being reasonable in protecting her clothes, or should she find a way to compromise? How would you handle a similar situation? Share your thoughts below!