AITA for not letting an acquaintance meet a famous friend of mine especially because they didn’t believe I was knew them ?


A Redditor recently faced some tension with an acquaintance after refusing to introduce them to a famous friend. When the Redditor casually mentioned knowing a Hollywood celebrity, this acquaintance was skeptical, demanding proof.

Now, despite previously doubting the Redditor, the acquaintance wants to meet the celebrity friend and accuses the Redditor of being “mean” and “gatekeeping” for refusing the request. Unsure if they’re in the wrong, the Redditor asks if their reaction was justified. Read the story below to get the full context.


‘ AITA for not letting an acquaintance meet a famous friend of mine especially because they didn’t believe I was knew them ?’

A friend from when I was younger is famous and living in Hollywood. I live about 1.5 hours away. A while ago someone in my friend group tried to call me out when I had causally mentioned that I knew this famous person. They refused me to believe me and kept asking for proof.


I refused to give it them because I didn’t think I owed someone that, especially someone I don‘t know all that well. I am going to be seeing my friend this weekend. The acquaintance asked to meet the person (they are a fan). I declined. The acquaintance now claims they “pretty much” believe me and want to meet my friend.

I told them absolutely not because they didn’t believe I was friends with them and I‘m not close to them anyways, so I feel I owe them nothing. The aquaintrance thinks I’m being mean/holding a grudge and that I’m gate keeping my friend by not allowing them to tag along to meet them. AITA?


Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:

CornerSevere −  NTA – And yet this shouldn’t be even an issue. I would assume that a ‘famous’ person wanting to hang out with an old friend — wants to do just that — hang out with an old friend; not be put on display for some fanboy.

I would think if you were considering taking some fan/acquaintance along, no matter the situation, it would be insulting to the ‘famous’ friend unless it was purposeful like, ‘want you to meet my fiancée, or my bestie who you hear me talking about’ not just some random friend or acquaintance that want to meet them or whom you are trying to impress.


IamIrene −  They refused me to believe me and kept asking for proof.. gate keeping my friend LOL! Holy crap! As if your friend is some public commodity that your acquaintance has a right to! This is exactly the type of person who doesn’t deserve proof of any kind and whom you should be protecting your famous friend from. NTA. And I’d be disassociating from said acquaintance.

ricebasket −  NTA. You’re absolutely gate-keeping, but it’s the correct thing to do in this situation. You don’t owe anyone a fan introduction to your famous friend, and I’m sure your famous friend is glad you’re “guarding the gate” of who hangs out with them.


Cultural_Section_862 −  You *are* gatekeeping your friend and you are absolutely correct to do it. This famous person is a person first and foremost, you’re right to shield them from folks just trying to use you to touch their fame. . NTA

CreativeGPX −  NTA. It’s gross and disrespectful to treat the famous person like some kind of prop that people “deserve” to meet. If you want to stay friends with that famous friend, you have to treat them like a person, not a museum exhibit.


Not only is your friend not e**itled to meet the famous person, but the e**itled way they are acting is evidence that you should probably shield your famous friend from them for their own good.

Bunny_Bixler99 −  NTA but if you’re friends with the cat from “A Quiet Place Day One” can I meet him? 😺


mizfit416 −  NTA – Your friend probably sees enough fans. I doubt he/she wants to hang out with them without prior knowledge.

IntendedHero −  NTA BUT maybe don’t casually drop it if you don’t want this result. Since it’s already out of the bag a few fun time selfies to wash in your a**hole acquaintance’s face would be ok.


Arrabbiato −  DO NOT, under any circumstances, allow this acquaintance to meet your friend. Protect this friend with every fiber of your being, they’re going to need it. (Unless they become a s**tty famous person, feel free to cut them loose.)

Their social life is going to get smaller and smaller, and being able to count on a friend like you is going to be an amazing asset to them. By protecting them from perils like this acquaintance you will become a safe harbor for them, and that is invaluable.


If this acquaintance keeps up this attitude, be sure to let them know you will be blocking them on everything. That their request is s**fish and gross. The (albeit terrible) manipulation tactics they’re applying are pathetic and making them seem desperate.

KatheriGray −  NTA. If a famous person wants to spend time with you, they likely want to connect with you, not be put on display for someone else. Bringing along someone just to impress them would feel disrespectful to your friend.


Do you think the Redditor is being reasonable by respecting their famous friend’s privacy, or should they let the acquaintance tag along now that they’ve shown interest? How would you handle a similar situation? Share your thoughts!

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One Comment

  1. Chris 2 months ago

    Even if this acquaintance had believed you from the jump, you hopefully weren’t taking them along to mess up your meet up with a friend, famous or not. If not introducing people you aren’t friends with to people you are friends with is gatekeeping, then I want you as a gatekeeping friend, though I ain’t famous. Just appreciative of a good friend.