AITA for not letting a woman in front of me in the self checkout?

A Reddit user shares their uncomfortable experience at a grocery store self-checkout. While waiting to scan their two items, a woman asked to cut in line, claiming she was in a rush to pick up her child. The user refused, reasoning that their own transaction would be quick. However, the woman escalated the situation with insults and dramatic complaints, leaving the user questioning if they should have let her go.
‘ AITA for not letting a woman in front of me in the self checkout?’
My mom sent me to the grocery store 3 times today. I was just picking up two packs of beans on the last visit and was in a rush to get home since it was 7pm. While I was waiting for a self checkout to open up someone who I guess was the woman’s ride came in to check up on her and then I guess she was in a bit of a rush because she came up behind me and tried to squeeze in front of me while saying “Excuse me.”
I just ignored her and continued waiting but then she asked me if she could cut in front of me and she told me she had to pick up her son from a soccer game. I thought it would be reasonable to say no and I explained I only had two items and that it wouldn’t take that long for her to wait since there was seven checkouts but then she started calling me a “heartless b**ch” and that I don’t have the christmas spirit and how I want her son to suffer in the cold and how people these days have no compassion.
She also started talking about her labor and contractions when she gave birth (which idk how that has any relation to me.). Honestly I was really uncomfortable. It wouldn’t be hard for me to just let her go, usually if someone were to ask and they had less items than me then of course but I felt like it wouldn’t make much of a difference in time, I only have two items, and also it’s -5 degrees outside and not even soccer season. I don’t know.
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
Rhiyxnnxh − NTA. It’s reasonable to say no. You were in the queue first, she’s tryna get infront…. no. Her reaction was so dramatic. Idk where the whole christmas spirit and contractions came from, sounds like you might have been the straw that broke the camels back for her and that she took the opportunity to vent. That’s not your fault though.
lmmontes − NTA. Likely a lie if it is that cold out. I would imagine but regardless, not her right to demand to cut the line.
Worth-Season3645 − NTA…Her son suffering in the cold was because she decided to shop. Not because you would not let her go in front of you.
Newgirlkat − I bet you she doesn’t have a son lol. If she was in SUCH a hurry then she most certainly did NOT have time to go into the supermarket because the lines are unpredictable even in self checkout. NTA. No is a complete and perfectly acceptable answer.
Key_Investigator_526 − THATS HILARIOUS IM SO SORRY 💀😭 obviously NTA. You’ll realize when you get older, but people that are in a rush are often mad at themselves for having extreme poor time management skills and facing the very real consequences that come with that.
GirlyNorte_ − Honestly, you were just trying to get through your day like everyone else. You didn’t owe her anything, especially with her attitude. I think you handled it just fine, standing your ground!
Khantahr − NTA. Her poor planning is not your problem.
Spiritual_Table8224 − Nta, and the rest of the interaction was really weird of her.
PipeInevitable9383 − Nta. Your lack of planning is not my emergency. Repeat that over and over. Not my problem, lady. Plan better next time.
Fungiblefaith − Your lack of planning does not translate to my problem. Try saying please next time. Then when they say please with snark say “next time”.