AITA for not keeping up the family tradition?


A Redditor (25M) shared a family conflict about breaking a 5-generation tradition of naming children after months of the year. After the birth of their son, they named him Tobias, a choice their family disapproved of. Despite their parents’ strong opinions, the Redditor stands firm on choosing a “normal” name for his son, while his sisters feel he should have kept the tradition to avoid conflict. Read the full story below for more details.


‘ AITA for not keeping up the family tradition?’

My (25M) wife (24F) gave birth to our son two weeks ago. My family has had the tradition of naming the child months of the year for 5 generations on my mum’s side. My name is December (I’ve shortened it to Dec hoping people will think it’s short for Declan or something normal), my brothers are called August (not so common in the UK) and July (poor guy, nothing you can do about that one) and my sisters are called April, June and May (not so bad).

My wife and I called our son Tobias. We kept the name a secret until after he was born and we had signed the birth certificate so it couldn’t be changed. When we told my parents a week ago, they were most certainly not happy. Even though my dad has the nice normal name of Alex, he liked the tradition. My sister, June, named her daughter March to keep with the tradition so my parents expected me to do the same.


My mum continually said that we should call the baby September for a girl and October for a boy throughout the pregnancy. I never outright said I wasn’t going to because I know what lengths they would go to to make sure my baby would have a month as a name. My brothers were on board when we told them, understanding growing up with the teasing. My parents left after saying we were disrespecting my heritage by not following the tradition.

I told them I wasn’t going to name my child a ridiculous name because some old, long dead, crazy man decided months of the year would be good names and just because my mum was stupid enough to join him and his madness, didn’t mean I had to. They stormed out and haven’t spoken to me since. 


My sisters have said I should have just named him a month to keep the peace and I’m an a**hole for insulting my mum and her family. I feel as though I’m just looking out for what’s best for my son. My family seems to think my wife has “brainwashed” me into calling him something normal even though I have never made it a secret that I hate my name. So am I the a**hole?

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

ReviewOk929 −  My parents left after saying we were disrespecting my heritage by not following the tradition. NTA – Traditions like this deserve to be broken. Your dead ancestors really do not give two shits what you call your kids and are incapable of any disrespect from you.


Your parents are the only ones offended and it’s not your responsibility to keep the peace. It’s theirs to respect your decision and try to move past it and have a functioning relationship with you. Good for you for doing this btw

LightPhotographer −  NTA but you could have tried a different argument. You married your wife. She has a strong tradition of not naming *any* family member (even pets) to the months of the year, and you two indeed followed the family tradition – just not *yours*.

KBobbetyBobbins −  NTA. The boy options apart from August (and that makes me think of Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) are weak. You’d go through life hating the name and he would probably go through life getting bullied. Even as a middle name, I don’t see why you should be bullied into something you don’t want.

But let me get this straight – it isn’t even related to the month the child was born, given your Mum wanted September for a girl and October for a boy??? April, May and June are ok for girls, but only if the parents actually liked the names. But the whole thing seems very random and kind of like a tradition that needs to just fade out. Your son will thank you later and your mother will get over it eventually.


beastmanmode45 −  NTA: It is your child. My family has a naming tradition and I happened to be named after a man that beat his wife and child to the point they were hospitalized. Family traditions are not always a good thing.
Edit: I was that child and obviously I was named after my dad.

Hello_JustSayin −  NTA. Your kid, your choice in names. Also:  1. It’s not like you were breaking tradition by not naming him after a beloved, deceased relative (you’d still not be the ah if you did break that tradition).


2. With only 12 months and this going on for 5 generations, that must mean that there are so many duplicate names for different family members. There is nothing wrong with that, but if it were me I would not want my child to be one of the 10 (or whatever) people named after a particular month.

Srvntgrrl_789 −  NTA. One of my favorite comedians, Ralphie May, named his April and August, since those were the months they were born in, and since his last name was May, it kind of worked out. (RIP Ralphie). 


You can name your child whatever you want, and your family has no say-so in the matter. You chose a strong classic name for your son, one that won’t get him bullied, or picked on, as he goes through life. If your family doesn’t understand that, that’s their problem, not yours.

Boddokki −  Oh my good giddy aunt NTA. Your child, your choice. For what it is worth, I completely 100% agree with you OP. ANY month is a terrible name for a boy and for the girls, only a few match well enough.


I agree your dad can’t say much given he hasn’t had to grow up with a bad name… and ‘keeping the peace’ is fine with decisions that only affect yourself with consequences you are willing to bear, but to make your son go through his formative years with a name likely to have him ridiculed?? This is insane beyond belief. You are VERY much NTA.

buttercupgrump −  NTA. As always, the people who created and are raising the child get to choose the name. And the people whining about tradition and disrespect can go kick rocks.

Coffee4Redhead −  It is easy for your sisters to say it is all okay. April May and June are accepted girls’ names. September and October are not names! Tradition is nice if you want to stick to it. But if you don’t like it, don’t do it. As the saying goes “tradition is peer-pressure from dead people”


forgetregret1day −  It’s his NAME but your sisters think you should just call him September or whatever to “keep the peace”? Tell them they’re welcome to call their children carrot or office chair or beer can if it makes them happy but you and your wife actually love your baby so you’re giving him a name that won’t get him beaten up or bullied. You have one nutty family, thankfully you survived with your common sense intact. NTA.

Was the Redditor right to break from the tradition for the sake of their son’s future, or did they overstep by disrespecting their family’s legacy? How would you handle such a family disagreement over something as personal as a child’s name? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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