AITA for not jumping on my trampoline?

A 16-year-old trampolinist enjoys jumping on her trampoline and dancing to music in her free time, but her enjoyment was dampened when her mom and sister began filming her and posting the videos online with captions and comments that mock her.
Feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious, she decided to stop using the trampoline. When asked why, she explained her discomfort, only to be told to “lighten up and take a joke.”
Her sister argued that people watch her during competitions, but she feels this is different as competitions are about showcasing skills, not private moments of fun. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for not jumping on my trampoline?’
I (16f) am a trampolinist and I enjoy jumping on the trampoline in my free time while listening to music (I like to dance around a bit while I do), but recently my sister (18 F) and mum (41F), have been filming me and posting it on Facebook.
The captions often poke fun at me and people in the comments are also making fun of me, so I’ve stopped jumping on the trampoline recently because I don’t like it, but my mum asked at dinner why I stopped and I answered honestly.
I told her I no longer liked it because of her filming me and posting it online, she got upset with me telling me to ‘lighten up and take a joke.’ Which annoyed me, so I tried to explain that it makes me feel uncomfortable if some one is watching me just have fun.
Then my sister pointed on people watch me when I participate in competitions, which I feel is different, I’m showing off my skills to judges, not hopping around while listening to music.
Now I understand I may look weird when I’m listening to my music, but it makes me feel uncomfortable knowing my sister or mum is filming me, so am I wrong? Am I just being too sensitive?
EDIT: Thank you all for the kind words and please stop saying I should sue my mother, I’m 16 and where I live, there is a one-way consent law for recording, so I have 0 grounds to sue
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
StAlvis − NTA she got upset with me telling me to ‘lighten up and take a joke.’. “Parent up and stop b**lying.”
Personal-Temporary11 − NTA But you might need to find a time and discuss with your family. Because posting your private life online and going on competition are two different things During competition, you need to tense up and be professional
On the other hand, in your private life, you just want to relax alone or with someone who is close to you. Tell them, filming you makes you uncomfortable and will make you stress out. Help them understand this point of view.
TrashPandaLJTAR − NTA. As a mother, if one of my kids said “I stopped doing something that I enjoyed because you posted it online and it embarrassed me” I’d be entirely mortified and feel horrible.
The difference between competition and fun is that you’re *consenting* to people watching you when you’re competing. Someone recording you and posting it without permission is not giving consent. Especially if they’re doing it with the intent to poke fun at you.
Organic-Mix-9422 − NTA. start filming them while they are doing something just for them. Cooking or on a game, watching TV, or whatever. If they get annoyed, ask them what the actual difference is ? Drum home to them that private is private.
EmmaHere − Report the posts mocking you so Facebook take them down.
Time_Oil_V − NTA. What they’re doing is both weird *and* mean. I’m sorry they’ve sullied something you found joy in.
867-53-oh-nein − From someone who is a similar age to your mom, please let her know on my behalf that she is an a**hole.
MissyOzark − NTA. Your mom and sister are having fun at YOUR expense. That’s b**lying.
CinnamonPumpkin13 − So theyre illegally filming you and posting it online without your consent? Hello lawsuit/criminal charges.. NTA Blast disney music. Disney will remove the video instantly from the internet. No one takes copyright laws more seriously than Disney
SignIntelligent360 − NTA, you are completely right, they are assholes who wont respect your feelings. And if you said stop then they should stop, it’s not like they are the ones being more or less shamed on the internet for doing what makes them happy
Is she overreacting to her family’s actions, or should her boundaries and feelings about being filmed be respected? What’s your take? Share your thoughts below!