AITA for not inviting my brother’s girlfriend to Thanksgiving after she ruined last year’s dinner?

A Reddit user shared a dilemma about deciding not to invite their brother’s girlfriend, Emily, to Thanksgiving this year after she criticized last year’s dinner, brought her own food, and lectured family members about their choices. While the user felt her behavior was disrespectful, her brother believes she’s being unfair. Read the original story below to see what happened.
‘ AITA for not inviting my brother’s girlfriend to Thanksgiving after she ruined last year’s dinner?’
I (32F) host Thanksgiving every year for my family. Last year, my brother (29M) brought his new girlfriend, Emily (28F), to dinner. I had never met her before, but I wanted to make her feel welcome.
Everything was fine until we sat down to eat. Emily announced she couldn’t eat most of the food because it wasn’t “organic” or “clean.” She loudly criticized the dishes I spent hours making, saying things like, “I can’t believe people still cook with butter—it’s so unhealthy!” She even went as far as lecturing my dad about how his wine wasn’t “natural.”
The worst part? She brought her own organic food and proceeded to heat it up in my kitchen without asking. When I gently suggested she could’ve mentioned her preferences beforehand, she rolled her eyes and said, “I didn’t think I’d need to, considering how aware people are of health these days.”
This year, I decided not to invite her. When my brother asked why, I told him the truth: her behavior last year was disrespectful, and I didn’t want a repeat. He called me “petty” and said I was punishing her for being health-conscious. My mom agrees with me, but a few other family members think I’m overreacting and should give her another chance.. So, AITA?
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
Perfect_Ring3489 − Nta. If she was rude, she doesnt deserve an invite.
CrankyWife − NTA. You’re not punishing her. You are relieving her of the burden of socializing with, and sharing an unhealthy meal with, people she dislikes and disapproves of. You’re actually doing her a favor since she finds your company and food so repugnant.. Enjoy your butter. And wine.
Turbulent_Ebb5669 − Your house, your rules. Brother don’t like it, he can host his own.
Linux4ever_Leo − NTA. One can be health conscious without being blatantly rude to a hostess who spent hours preparing a holiday feast for their family and loved ones. This girl’s behavior was over the top disrespectful and you have every right to ban her from Thanksgiving this year and if your brother thinks that makes you petty, so what? He’ll get over it. He can enjoy eating cardboard and wheat grass with his girlfriend this year.
Very-last-boyscout − NTA and there is a word for what your brother is. This has nothing to do with being “*petty*” or “*punishing her for being health conscious*”. You just want to spend the day the way you feel like spending the day. If you want to eat a pound of butter and nothing else, than that should be your choice.
OkAccountant7089 − Nta she was rude and disrespectful in your home.
Repulsive-Track − NTA. She comes to your house, insults you, your family, your food AND has the audacity to heat her own food in your kitchen without so much of a by-your-leave. Yet, when you refuse to have a repeat of this YOU are petty? Brother dearest can stay with his girlfriend if he is so ‘offended’. Sheesh
Fit_General7058 − Nta. Tell him he doesn’t have to come either. If his ill mannered little piece wants to criticise and roll her eyes she can find somewhere else to do so, your house is off limits.
perpetuallyxhausted − He called me “petty” and said I was punishing her for being health-conscious. First of all you’re not punishing her at all, she’s receiving natural consequences of her behaviour.
Cause turns out, if you act like a d**k to people then people aren’t ready gonna want to spend time with you. Second, the consequence is not because of her “being health-conscious” but because of her attitude about literally everything.
ZookeepergameWise774 − NTA. Remind your brother it’s a “thanksgiving meal” not a “complaint-a-thon” for his self-righteous little princess.
Do you think the user is justified in not inviting Emily to protect the harmony of the dinner, or should they have given her another chance to participate respectfully? How would you handle a guest who disrupts a family tradition? Share your opinions below!