AITA For Not Going to My Friends Destination Wedding?

A Reddit user shares their frustration with the high costs associated with a close friend’s destination wedding. The wedding is set in an expensive resort costing around $700 per night, much more than expected.
Despite being able to afford the trip, the user feels the price is unreasonable, especially after discovering the actual cost through online searches.
After expressing their concerns, they ultimately decided not to attend the wedding, leaving the friend feeling disappointed. Now, the user is questioning whether their decision was unfair. To read the full story, see the original post below…
‘ AITA For Not Going to My Friends Destination Wedding?’
Good friend of mine is having his wedding out of the country in a popular resort area. Not a big deal, but the big deal is the cost of the resort that he is having it at. It was around 700 per night. Yeah, that’s a big high. I get it, it’s all inclusive.
I have been on international trips with him before way further out. I usually took care of all the arrangements, flights, hotels, ect. Even some of our other friends are not going because of the cost. It’s not that none of us could afford it, we all can.
I wasn’t planning it on being 700+ a night. I was expecting around maybe around 300 a night based on the area. He was being very elusive at first on the pricing and he was using a travel agent to book everything and he was getting a “good rate”.
A simple search on all the travel sights give me the same price if not a tiny cheaper, not much. My theory on why he picked such a expensive place is so that he won’t have to pay for such a huge wedding if most of the people invited didn’t come.
And I know it’s stretching him because his fiancé’s parts or his parents are not paying for it. Once he told me where it was at and saw how much the resort was I told him I wasn’t going and left it at that. I did say that it was high even for his standards and he said he thought so too.
See what others had to share with OP:
_s1m0n_s3z − A lot of resorts comp the wedding couple if they bring along enough ~~suckers~~ guests, so the price might reflect a margin built in to cover that. Sometimes, destination wedding guests end up paying for the honeymoon without knowing it. NTA.
lyr4527 − NAH. Anyone who decides to have a destination wedding knows (or should know) that some people will not attend because of the cost. You’re NTA for deciding not to attend. Your friend is also NTA, unless he’s giving you a hard time about not going or something.
Worth-Season3645 − NTA…You were invited. It is not a requirement to attend.
Lizwings − NTA. Most people assume everyone won’t be able to make it to their destination weddings, and that one sounds unusually expensive. You can always give him a nice card and gift or take them out to dinner when they get back to congratulate them.
sickofdriving007 − $700 a night??? WTH. That’s a couple hundred less than I pay for a mortgage payment.
OddRefrigerator6532 − “It’s an invitation, not a summons.”. I see this answer a lot!
Rare_Sugar_7927 − What’s the problem here? The groom said he thought it was expensive too? So where’s the problem? Doesn’t seem like he is demanding you go anyway.
Sure, it’s a shame to miss his wedding but that’s life, especially when you choose a destination wedding. Heck, that’s why I always said I’d do a destination wedding, so that certain relatives couldn’t go lol. NAH.
Think-Committee-4394 − NTA. basically anyone who opts for what I would term (a special circumstances) wedding. No kids – expensive destinations – bizarre. By definition exclude people from attending. Their choice, their wedding, but you don’t have to join in
Tdluxon − NTA. IMO if you are having a destination wedding, you can’t reasonably expect everyone to come, and even more so at a place so expensive. People have lives, bills, work, etc. and its ridiculous to expect that everyone is going to spend huge amounts of time and money to go to your wedding.
jbarneswilson − INFO: who is calling you TA?
Do you think the Redditor was justified in not attending the wedding due to the high costs, or should they have found a way to make it work for their friend’s big day? How would you handle being in a similar situation? Share your thoughts in the comments below!