Aita For Not Giving My Cousin My Grandmother’s House After She Passed


A Redditor shares a family dispute over the inheritance of a house. After his grandmother’s passing, the Redditor, a 27-year-old man, inherited her 4-bedroom house in Atlanta, which she had almost lost due to unpaid taxes.

Years earlier, he had helped her settle the debt with a $1,500 student refund. Now, his cousin, a single mother with two kids, is upset, arguing that he should give her the house since he doesn’t have children.


The Redditor feels that his grandmother’s wishes should be honored and that his cousin’s situation isn’t his responsibility. Despite this, many family members are siding with his cousin, calling him selfish. Read the original story below to see how the tension developed.


‘ Aita For Not Giving My Cousin My Grandmother’s House After She Passed’

I’m a 27 year old male and my grandmother passed recently. In her will she left me her 4 bedroom 2 bath house. Now before my grandmother passed she was in danger of losing the house because of unpaid taxes. She asked various family members for help but none did. I was in college at the time and I had a huge student refund.

She asked me for $1,500 to settle the debt. She said thank you and we never talked about it again. I didn’t want my granny to be homeless after all. That was about 8 years ago. Fast forward to today and I’m now the owner of a house in the heart of Atlanta. Prime real estate If I do say so myself. I plan on moving in at the end of the month before doing some light cleaning and renovation. Enter my cousin and her kids.


She is upset with me because I got the house. She said because I don’t have any kids I should give her the house because I’m her eyes I got the house for free. I thought she was crazy but a lot of our family is on her side. Stating that it’s hard out here for a single mother. They told me I can buy a house one day because I am a able bodied young man.

It will be harder for her because she has two kids. I’m like she chose to have those kids and that isn’t my problem. Everyone is calling me selfish and hell maybe I am but my grandmother wanted me to have the house. I’m I the A**hole


Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:

mohagthemoocow −  NTA, where was she when granny was about to be homeless??

spinx7 −  NTA. It’s your house, I hate the narrative that people who don’t have kids should roll over to give people with kids anything and everything they want


Featherymorons −  NTA. Your gran left you the house. It’s yours. Your cousin has absolutely no right to it. Why should having kids make her more eligible for it than you? Don’t even bother to engage in any further conversations with anyone about this.

midnightsrose77 −  NTA. Depending on where in Atlanta, property taxes can be an [expletive redacted] and struggle. If your cousin wasn’t able to help your grandmother out in her time of need, what makes her think she’ll be able to afford property taxes, utilities, &tc., now? Enjoy your new home, OP!


puppydancer −  NTA. If they want your cousin to live in a house so bad they can let her and her kids move in with them. Your grandmother left the house to you. If your family keeps harassing you just tell them that you’re respecting your grandmother’s last wishes and leave it at that. I’d recommend that you change the locks on the house ASAP just in case any of them have a spare key to it.

dtat720 −  NTA. So, outside perspective… Did your grandmother really need to back taxes money? Or, is it possible she reached out to family to see who among them would be willing to help without question? You were the only one who did so without hesitation or demands. You got the house. Seems Granny was testing the waters while deciding what to do with her personal affairs


Tiffy_the_Doc −  NTA. Her having kids does not entitle he to the house left to you. If your Nana had wanted her to have it, she would have given it to her. I am so sorry for your loss. Don’t let anyone guilt you out of your inheritance.

AbbyBirb −  Nope, NTA. Grammy already knew exactly what was up! Where were your cousin & the rest of the family that is now on her side when Grammy was about to lose her house & you were the only one to step up then?! Are they all disabled single moms who cannot help?!


If that family wants your cousin to get the help she needs, they should totally, 100% offer her their house for use for her and her kids.. ____ Family: “you should give your cousin your house…” You: “hmmm… let’s see what Grammy has to say about that” *pulls will out of pocket…*

BeeYehWoo −  NTA. You need to respect your grandmother’s wishes. She WANTED you to have the house. Tell your cousin she can take it up with granny as to why she didnt get the house. It will be just as hard for you to buy a house, real estate is expensive. You have the upper hand. Just weather the storm of insults and criticism from disgraceful family and cut out those who are too much to bear. Sorry to hear about your grandmother. NTA


ManufacturerHuge2197 −  NTA. What if you end up having kids one day?? Keep the house, tell them to f**k off. If they originally wanted the house then they should have spent more time with grandma and asked her for it

Do you think the Redditor was wrong for sticking to his grandmother’s will, or is his cousin’s argument valid given her responsibilities as a single mother? How would you handle the pressure from family in this situation? Share your thoughts below!


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