AITA for not giving back my finances deceased grandmothers engagement ring?

A Redditor shares a dilemma involving a family heirloom engagement ring. The ring, which originally belonged to her fiancé’s grandmother, was passed to her when they got engaged, with the blessing of her fiancé’s older brother, Sam.
Now, Sam’s partner, Hannah, is asking for the ring back to give to their unborn daughter, arguing it should stay within the bloodline. Despite the fiancé’s refusal and support from his mother, tensions escalate, leaving the poster wondering if she’s in the wrong. Read the full story below to share your perspective.
‘ AITA for not giving back my finances deceased grandmothers engagement ring?’
Throwaway account. I 29 female am engaged to Jake 32, male. We have been engaged for 2 years. He has an older brother, Sam 38. When Jake and I got engaged Jake wanted me to have his grandmothers engagement ring. Jake talked to Sam and Sam said since he doesn’t plan to get married or have children that Jake should use the ring.
I love that ring and love the sentimental meaning behind it. Sam met a wonderful woman, Hannah, within the past year and they are expecting a child. Once they found out it would be a girl Hannah told Sam she wants him to get the ring back for their daughter.. Jake has already told Sam no.
During Sunday dinner last weekend at my mother in laws house Hannah brought up the ring and how it should be given to their daughter since she would a great grandchild and I am not related by blood. It became an intense discussion. Luckily my mother in law also agrees with my fiance and I.
Hannah then asked if her daughter could have it in our will. I said no because it will either be given to our son or our future daughter. I told Hannah to take up her problem with Sam since he’s the one who let Jake have the ring to give to me. Hannah ended up leaving the house crying. AITA?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Mobile_Following_198 − NTA. That’s your engagement ring. Sam had his chance at the ring, but he passed it to Jake. It became your engagement ring. Him trying to somehow retroactively claim the engagement ring because his 1 year relationship wants it is crazy. It’s even crazier that she wants it for an unborn baby.
If the ring is valuable, this gives vibes that Hannah is money-grubbing. I know you say she is wonderful, but this is worrying behavior for a year old relationship. A baby is already on the way, and she’s already looking for what she can take because “baby is related.”
IamIrene − Definitely NTA, wow! The cajones on your bil and ~~sil!~~ his gf! You may not be “blood related” but neither is your sil, lol! Jake asked for the ring and Sam agreed…no take-see back’sees! It is yours and should go to your children…period. I think maybe Hannah isn’t used to be told “no”, lol.
[Reddit User] − I was worried you were withholding a family heirloom from an ex or something. Sigh of relief.. NTA.
AsparagusWTweak − NTA. I’ve seen so many titles similar to yours and was glad that this is a completely different context to that. This is all on Sam. He’s the one who should be dealing with the fallout from the wonderful Hannah. Seems weird that Hannah’s eyeing the ring already. Leaving the house crying sounds like either manipulation to try and get her way, or a tantrum because she’s not getting her way.
obtusewisdom − NTA – Hannah looks at the ring as a status symbol in your family. Like, whomever has the ring is the better/more important daughter-in-law or grandchild/great-grandchild. It’s silly. Expect plenty of attempted oneupmanship from her with the kids. And ffs, don’t give up your ring!
LouisV25 − NTA. You just don’t get to take rings off of people’s fingers. You just cannot. She missed out and will have to be apart of another tradition.
banjadev − NTA- Hannah sounds like an entitled, churlish, petulant child. Who even does this?
EmilyAnne1170 − NTA. Why does Hannah think she gets to have an opinion about what happens to her boyfriends’ brother‘s fiancé‘s ring (or her boyfriend’s grandmother’s ring)? No one should even be discussing it with her. Just- no.
Pisssssed − Hmm I’m not psychic, but I’m getting a strong feeling that Hannah wants the ring for Hannah. NTA.
Chilling_Storm − NTA Sam gave up all rights to the ring when he gave it to Jake. It is Jake’s ring to do with as he pleases. Right now it sits on your finger as a promise to marry you. However, should you two break up before a wedding, the ring goes back to Jake.