AITA for not getting up out of bed at 2a, 3a, or 4a to drive a store or fast food place to go get my pregnant wife food?

One Reddit user recently shared his struggles with meeting his pregnant wife’s food cravings at odd hours. His wife frequently skips meals during the day because she doesn’t find anything she wants at home, only to ask him to go out and get specific foods in the middle of the night.
Despite working long hours and making dinner most nights, the user is feeling the pressure to be on call for late-night cravings while also balancing his own rest and work schedule.
‘ AITA for not getting up out of bed at 2a, 3a, or 4a to drive a store or fast food place to go get my pregnant wife food?’
AITA for not getting up out of bed at 2a, 3a, or 4a to drive a store or fast food place to go get my pregnant wife food?
My wife (F, 25) straight up chooses not to eat breakfast or lunch at home during the day because “we have nothing” except we do and what she really means is “we don’t have anything I want”
So at dinner time (I [M, 32] almost always make dinner after working all day while she’s currently not working) | struggle to get her to find someone she wants. She either has no clue and wants me to choose for her, and when I do she doesn’t want it, or when she does suggest something she will pick around it and not eat much of it or straight up not eat it
So then…. She wants me to then wake up at 12am, 2am, 4am, whatever late ass time she picks, and go to a fast food place or gas station to get her food or snacks. I basically always tell her no.
I tell her that the snacks that she wants we should buy at the store or that she should actually eat some breakfast, some lunch, or some dinner so she’s not starving in the middle of the night. I’m never mean about to and always keep a calm and soft tone.. AITA?
These are the responses from Reddit users:
tiny-pest − Nta. First, unless she is on bed rest. High risk. Or almost due, she can damn well drive herself. Says an old grandma who guessed what didn’t expect everyone to wait on me and do my bidding. Yes, she is hormonal. That is not an excuse to do what she is.
Either she needs to figure out what she can eat because not eating is not healthy for the baby or see a doctor because again, not eating is not healthy for the baby.
Also, make a list of the snacks she asks for. Not the fast food but the snacks. Then go and buy them and stock them for when she asks. If she still won’t eat them, then honestly, it sounds like she is testing you to see how far you will go, which is just wrong. You can also see about setting up if you live in a town or city where she can call and have food delivered if she gets a craving.
Old-Paleontologist-1 − I have been pregnant 5 times, and I absolutely can’t stand it when women use pregnancy as an excuse for all kinds of trashy and e**itled behavior. . NTA. It’s unreasonable at best.
unauthorizedbunny − NTA. That baby could be the second coming of Christ and it still wouldn’t justify her behavior. Not only are you a saint but you’re a saint with good boundaries. Well done, sir.
turbomonkey3366 − Mom of three here, NTA. I always had a variety of snacks around so I could have whatever I wanted at any time. I think the latest I ever asked my hubby to go get me anything during my pregnancy was before 10pm. We weren’t even in bed yet. Being pregnant doesn’t give you the right to demand something, or expect everyone to drop things just to cater to you.
If I were you, I would just buy her an array of snacks she has craved in the past and save yourself the hassle. Cravings are a want, not a need. She’s not gonna die if she doesn’t get them.
Background-Leopard24 − NTA. Being pregnant doesn’t make her incapable of being considerate of others.
Inevitable_Block_144 − I’m a woman and a mom. OP, your wife is going a little overboard. Being pregnant doesn’t stop us from being considerate of people around us. Being pregnant doesn’t transform the people around us in mere slaves that live to serve us.
And, while a pregnancy can be risky, most of the times it’s not a disability. And if she really doesn’t want to move at 2am for her snacks, waiting is not going to cause her a miscarriage. She’s going to have a baby, it’s time to stop being a baby herself.
CleverCat7272 − NTA at all. But I’m a little worried about your wife. Both she and baby need more food than it sounds like she’s eating. Might be worth discussing with her Dr.
No-Height-8732 − I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant, I still work full-time, and I still drive. I would never wake my husband up (who also works full-time) to go get me food in the middle of the night. If she’s not high risk, there is no reason she can’t go herself to get the food she’s craving.
Every person and pregnancy is different, but she’s being unreasonable. NTA and your wife kinda sucks even if the hormones are raging within her.
StAlvis − INFO. Why can’t she just go herself?
Square-Minimum-6042 − She is being lazy and e**itled. I hope she snaps out of it before the baby or you will have another job.
NTA, her craving nonsense is just that.
NTA, I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant with my third. I’m in a similar food situation. Everything seems gross I don’t want to eat anything and it really is a force to eat what I do end up eating. I am currently off work as well. That being said, my husband comes home from work to a cooked dinner even though I’m not eating it and I wouldn’t even think of waking him up in the night for anything other than we are having the baby. He works hard and deserves his sleep I can nap all day if I wanted ( my other kids are older and in school). She needs to pre plan and have snacks she thinks she might want from the grocery store. I always buy extra of things I think I might eat like cereal and stuff.