AITA for not getting my GF food after she told me not to?

A Reddit user shared a story about a misunderstanding with his girlfriend over breakfast. After offering to get her food and being told no, he didn’t bring anything, only for her to later express disappointment and frustration that he didn’t surprise her. Was he in the wrong for respecting her wishes, or did he miss the mark on what she expected? Read the full story below!
‘ AITA for not getting my GF food after she told me not to?’
Hi all, My (26M) GF (23F) and I have been together for about a year and half. It’s been mostly good but it does seem like at times she has very odd expectations. This morning I was going out for breakfast and texted her to ask if she wanted me to get her breakfast and she said no. I asked her if she was sure and she assured me that she didn’t want anything.
Come a few hours later she calls me and says “you know it really didn’t sit right with me that you didn’t get me food this morning. If you were more thoughtful you would’ve showed up to my door and surprised me with breakfast.”
Mind you, we live about 10 minutes from one another so I had zero problem bringing her food but I asked her twice if she wanted it and she said no.
Do I just not understand women? She’s legitimately so pissed and thinks if I liked her more, I would’ve brought her food anyways. I sometimes think she obsesses over tik tok couples who stage every interaction they ever have so she expects some fantasy land relationship between her and I.
TLDR: I offered to buy my GF breakfast but after she told me she didn’t want anything multiple times, I ended up not doing so. Later she expressed to me that I was wrong for not getting her anything anyways.
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
KaliTheBlaze − NTA. This is a mind game, and it’s not fair at all to you. When someone clearly communicates that they don’t want something, it is completely unreasonable for them to expect you to somehow know that they were lying and really did want the thing. (For the record, I’m a woman, and I think only idiots play i**ot games like this.)
Aggressive_Cattle320 − NTA. Your gf needs to say what she means and mean what she says. If you ask her if she wants food and she declines and says no, it’s safe to assume she does not want food. She has a strange vision of what a “fantasy relationship” is. A surprise breakfast taco is in no way a romantic gesture.
mallad − “You know, it didn’t really sit right with me that you were dishonest with me this morning. If you were more honest and thoughtful with me, you would have accepted my offer of breakfast and not turned it into some sort of test.”. NTA.
mmmmm_pi − NTA obviously. You can tell her that you have respect for her so you listen to what she says. Some questions for you to think about. Does she have a history of poor communication skills? Does she not understand that the vast majority of what is on social media is staged? Do you really want to be with someone who fritters their time away caring what other people are doing?
jeremyism_ab − NTA she is, did you point out to her that she specifically said no not only once, but twice? What a f**king a**hole, you’re not Kreskin, you took her at her own word and she’s blaming you for listening to her, for not ignoring her? Do you see how fucked up that is? No means yes, when she feels like it? No. No means no, and she’s an utter a**hole for implying that she doesn’t mean what she says, that’s a no win situation, for anyone.
WatchingTellyNow − Your girlfriend really needs to learn how to adult. And that includes communicating clearly. You’re NTA, and she needs to understand that Tiktok isn’t real life. Maybe you can make a Tiktok showing how dumb her view is.
DonTakeMeFi-Idiat − Nta. D**p her.
Key_Win8153 − This has nothing to do with gender. She is just in her fantasy land. Def NTA. You mentioning staged TikTok also makes sense here. She has to “grow up”. If she ever loses you, she’d find that not many people tolerate these mind games she plays.
Tea_Time9665 − Bro. This is stupid. Why are dating someone like that.
EaseUsed5465 − Next time she says yes to food, don’t get her anything. See how she likes playing games then.
psycho. Enough said.