AITA for not forgiving my(27) fiance(28) for missing the birth of our daughter?

A Reddit user shares a deeply personal and emotional experience involving her fiancé, his best friend, and the birth of their child. After being accused of sending an offensive text message (which was taken out of context), her fiancé kicked her out of their home despite her being nine months pregnant. Alone and in labor, she gave birth without him by her side. Now, he’s apologizing, but she’s unsure if she can forgive him.
‘ AITA for not forgiving my(27) fiance(28) for missing the birth of our daughter?’
My husbands girl best friend (we’ll call her Madison) has never liked me, for reasons I guess I will never know. Anyways my fiance (we’ll call him Michael) and I were having a hangout with a little bit of the friends that we shared. It was nearing the end of the night and Madison was the only “friend” left when Madison came out crying with Michael looking angry, (I was around nine months pregnant at the time).
The thing that really caught my attention is when Michael called me a raging b**** and a c**t. Myself being a hormonal pregnant women started crying at the name calling. I asked through my tears what was going on and he then proceeds to tell me about a text message I sent to Madison. In the message I told her to f*** off and about how Michael and I would not allow her near our child.
I will admit that I did send this, but it was taken completely out of context, I only sent this text after the many r**ist text messages that she sent me talking about my child and I. I am biracial. Instead of hearing me out Michael kicked me out of the house that we shared (his name was on the lease). Without arguing I decided to leave not wanting to start anything else, as I was walking out the door I felt a cramp in my lower abdomen.
I thought nothing of this because I was not due for another three weeks, when I flinched from the pain Michael told me to stop faking. On the way to my moms house I felt a gush of water and immediately turned the car around so that I would make it to the hospital. While driving I took out my phone to call Michael but my call was quickly declined. At this point I was in to much pain to call anyone else and arrived at the hospital.
I pushed for two hours without an epidural and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Grace Noel. Giving birth without my fiance by my side was the final straw for me, I decided to do something and post all the hurtful messages Madison sent me on facebook. Maybe 45 min-1 hour later Michael calls me asking me if we could talk, I inform him about my whereabouts and he shows up about 42 minutes later.
He has tried to apologize multiple times, But I dont think I can forgive him. I went through the pain of pushing out an 8 pound baby by myself all because he chose to believe his best friend without listening to his fiance. AITA for not wanting to forgive him??
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
DaniCapsFan − He not only missed the birth of your daughter, he called you grossly misogynistic names, believed his toxic friend and wouldn’t even listen to you, kicked you out of the house nine months pregnant, and when you showed signs of pain from going into labor as you packed to go, accused you of faking. That he didn’t ask for an explanation of why you told Madison to f**k off speaks volumes.
He wouldn’t take your calls as you rushed to the hospital, and you had to post his toxic friend’s n**ty messages on social media for him to realize what a j**k he was and talk to you. You should have refused the call. There are lots of things he’s done that would warrant your decision not to forgive him, not just making you go through labor alone.. NTA.
snarkingintheusa − NTA. You do mean ex-fiancé, right?
http-ali − RUN. TAKE THAT BABY AND RUN. nta omg.
CravenSapphire − NTA, and his and Madison’relationship sounds suspect af. I would not be with someone who would talk to me that way and not even hear my side of the story. He made his choice and it’s now your turn to make yours. I personally wouldn’t forgive him, especially when he accused you of faking abdomen pain when you’re f*****g pregnant with his child. And he kicked you out on top of it!? Absolutely not. You deserve better than that.
jaime0007 − NTA, wtf kicking a 9 month pregnant woman out is bad enough, but the own father and fiance doing it? holy hell, you should reevaluate the situation and think who you are marrying to.
Bug_a_boo_Mama − NTA. but you need to leave him. He chose her over you, the fact alone that he kicked you out of your home and told you to stop faking (while you were contracting) is enough to leave him. He will choose her time and time again over you and im sure he will downplay her cruel messages to you. Hes shown you his colors you and your daughter do not deserve to be second place to that. Horribly r**ist woman.
sakurita1594 − NTA NTA. OMG. Girl I am so proud of you for going through this alone. Kick him to the curve and find someone better down the line. His reaction was ridiculous, especially because he wouldn’t hear you out first. I am legit so angry at him for this. You take care of yourself and your baby girl. Congratulations and don’t feel sorry.
Twallot − NTA. Why would you even be with him? Wtf.
a-sigh-lum − NTA. You saying that you were only upset about him calling you a b**** and c**t because you were hormonal tells us everything we need to know. Leave him.
sieieneidowkwksnsnsj − NTA. Wow i could never forgive him after that.. Congrats on your new baby!