AITA for not forgiving my sister for this?


A 17-year-old Reddit user recounted an incident with their 22-year-old sister involving a long-standing grudge. Years ago, when the user was around 10, they teased their sister about a twisted knee but eventually stopped and apologized. Recently, the user twisted their own knee, leaving them unable to move,

and called for their sister’s help. Instead of assisting, she mocked and teased them before leaving. The user is upset that she didn’t help and feels her actions were disproportionate, given they apologized years ago. Read the original story below.


‘ AITA for not forgiving my sister for this?’

I would delve right into the situation at hand, but to understand it you will need some context. Many years ago, when I was a few weeks shy of being 10, my sister ended up twisting her knee. For some reason I found this funny, and continually teased her about it.


Eventually I stopped but I still made jokes about it from time to time until I was about 11. Just a few days ago, I ended up twisting my knee. It was painful, and I was stuck on the floor of the house for a solid 10 minutes, not being able to do anything.

I would have asked my mother to help me, but she was in the shower. So I call out for my sister, who walks up to me…and proceeds to laugh in my face. She just continually teases me until she goes back to her room, leaving me there unable to walk or move at all really.


Eventually I was able to get up, but only after about 30 minutes.. Am I still the a**hole here? EDIT: I am now 17, and she is 22. I know I was an a**hole for teasing her, but that was seven years ago. She’s in college by now and I apologised to her when I stopped. I was expecting her to at least act like an adult and help me up.

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

Literally_Taken −  Oh no! It’s the consequences of your own actions!. You have two options: 1) Acknowledge the fact that your sister’s actions were the natural consequence of the way you treated her. You could even acknowledge that you acted like a j**k when you were 10, and apologize. Your relationship with your sister would grow in a positive way.


2) Get irrationally angry with your sister, even though she gave you 1/100th of the teasing you gave her. Blame her even though she’s done nothing wrong. Lose your sister’s respect. Look like an i**ot. Why did you choose option 2? Now YTA

frozenbroccolis −  YTA and I gotta say I admire someone who plays the long game


Gallogator1 −  Is this a parody post? You laid there for 10 minutes without food or water? How did you survive?

MerlinBiggs −  YTA. Karma. She had to put up with your teasing for a year. You’ve had it once.


Rohini_rambles −  Why didnt you laugh at yourself too?  Surely you should have been able to see that it was still a funny thing to happen? Are you amd at her or are you feeling like crap because now you understand how terrible it is to laugh at someone’s pain? 

savinathewhite −  Ok, I get why people are saying Y T A here, because karma. However, I’d like to say that being an AH at 10 years old is not the same thing as being an AH at 20. I don’t think you are wrong for expecting your sister to act like an adult, but it doesn’t sound like you were in any serious danger of further injury.


I’d like to say though, *your sister didn’t know that*. For all either of you knew, this was a more serious injury that could have become more severe without intervention. I’m glad this wasn’t the case – and while I understand your sister’s desire to get back her own by teasing you, unless she’s still 12, I’d say she’s the AH here.

My suggestion is to sit down with your sister like grown-ups and settle the conflict – you undoubtedly owe her an apology for being a b**t when you were 10, and she clearly needs to address this unresolved resentment, so she doesn’t make another bad choice not to help an injured family member in the future.


NTA for expecting an adult to act like one. YWBTA if you don’t talk to your sister to settle the conflict or expect her to let it go without a conversation.

celticmusebooks −  YTA The Karma train rarely pulls into the station at a convenient time. This would be the perfect time to apologize to your sister for your FULL YEAR of being an AH to her when she was hurt.


HelenGonne −  How, oh HOW, did you EVER surVIVE ten whole minutes without food and water and devoted attendance? Surely your ghost must have posted this, as your mortal frame has long since returned to dust after such a terrible ordeal? YTA.

SkyLightk23 −  INFO: How old are you and your sister now?


RealWolfmeis −  Are we really comparing Adult reactions to those of a child? I would definitely ( as the sister) have made some snarky comment, but I wouldn’t have left my loved one on the floor, in pain. One of these things is not like the other.

Was the sister justified in mocking the user as payback for past teasing, or should she have let bygones be bygones and helped? How would you handle unresolved sibling tensions in this situation? Share your thoughts below!


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