AITA for not choosing my sister when she split with her partner?


Sometimes, life’s most surprising twists revolve around those closest to us—like family. Our story unfolds with an 18-year-old narrator who shares a significant age gap with his older sister. He’s finally building a bond with her after years of distance, only to find out she cheated on her boyfriend. Talk about an unexpected plot twist! Torn between loyalty to his sister and genuine friendship with her ex, he’s stuck in a sticky situation that would make any dungeon-master cringe.

The real kicker is that everyone seems to have strong opinions on where his loyalties should lie. Why is he hosting Dungeons & Dragons sessions with his sister’s ex? And is it possible to remain close to someone who betrayed a family member? It’s time to dive into a story where dice rolls and real-life drama collide.


‘ AITA for not choosing my sister when she split with her partner?’





Expert Opinion

1. When family and friends collide, emotions can run especially high. According to Dr. Terri Orbuch, a relationship expert quoted in Women’s Health, “Balancing loyalty to siblings with maintaining genuine friendships can be one of the trickiest social challenges.” In this scenario, the OP’s older sister cheated, and that breach of trust complicates how everyone else—especially her younger brother—interacts with her ex-partner.


2. On one side, the sister is upset her sibling continues hanging out with an ex she wronged. On the other side, the OP sees that the ex has done nothing to him or the group—if anything, the ex is a victim in this messy breakup. Dr. Orbuch points out that when loyalty is tested, clarifying your own feelings is crucial. In other words, the OP must determine whether the ex’s presence truly hurts family ties or if his sister’s frustration is misplaced.

3. Beyond personal tensions, this situation highlights a broader point about post-breakup dynamics. Maintaining friendships with someone who’s split from a close family member can spark anxiety or resentment, particularly if the breakup ended badly. A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that navigating “ex-involvement” often leads to heightened family conflicts, especially when cheating or betrayal is involved.


4. As for advice, Dr. Orbuch suggests open communication to ease any strain. By calmly discussing boundaries and feelings—without blame—family members can address the hurt. The OP might reiterate his love for his sister while asserting that he values his friendship with her ex. He could also propose separate get-togethers so she doesn’t feel forced to encounter him. Striking a balance between honesty and empathy is key to preserving peace on the home front.

See what others had to share with OP:

Here’s a quick sampling of candid—and sometimes blunt—feedback from the Reddit crowd:








In classic Reddit fashion, opinions range from supportive to stern, often reflecting just how tricky it can be to juggle one person’s wrongdoing with another’s desire for loyalty.

Ultimately, this is a tale of family bonds tested by complex moral questions—loyalty, honesty, and the consequences of infidelity. Can the OP keep his D&D friend group intact without alienating his sister? His choice might come down to empathy, solid boundaries, and a firm reminder that loving your sibling doesn’t always mean enabling their mistakes. What would you do if you found yourself in a similar situation? Join the discussion and share your thoughts, experiences, and advice!


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