AITA for not changing my routine for a house guest?


A Reddit user faced tension with a visiting friend who asked them to change their late-night work routine to reduce noise. The user works from home and keeps their activities—typing, occasional printing, and quiet calls—minimal, but the guest claims it’s still disruptive.

The user offered to try to be quieter but refused to relocate their work setup entirely, leading to a disagreement. Were they being inconsiderate or simply setting reasonable boundaries? Read the full story below!


‘ AITA for not changing my routine for a house guest?’

I (45f) have a good friend (41f) coming to visit for a week. I stay up much later than her and I work from home. My office is next to the guest room. She told me that she wanted to talk before she visits so we called and she said that I’m “way too loud” at night and asked if I could work in another room.

Now look, I’m not blasting music or playing loud video games. I type on my laptop, occasionally print something, and occasionally make a work call. She is literally complaining about the sound of a keyboard, printer, and a phone.

Keep in mind, I have my phone on the lowest volume so when it rings you can barely hear it, and when anyone is visiting I always try to talk quieter on the phone. I don’t think it’s right of her to ask me to change my entire routine. I told her I would do my best to keep the noise down but apparently that’s “not good enough” for her.

I just feel as if her demanding attitude is really rude and that I shouldn’t have to change my personal routine for her. Again, it’s not as if I’m going around blasting music or banging pots and pans.

I’m literally typing, occasionally printing a document, and taking brief, quiet calls, all from a room over, its not like I’m in the same room as her. AITA for telling her I will try but make no promises, which in turn she’s saying isn’t good enough?

Here’s what the community had to contribute:

Unhappy-Prune-9914 −  NTA – I would tell her maybe it’s better if she stayed in a hotel as you won’t be able to be as quiet as she would like you to be because of your work schedule. Who are these people that stay in people’s homes and have all these demands.

ExtraSpecialAgent −  INFO: What hours are we talking about here? In any case, it is a tad presumptuous to say that a potential solution isn’t nearly good enough. Some friends do reach a certain level of familiarity though, and maybe she feels comfortable enough with you and your home to request another standard?

pixie-ann −  Why are they coming to stay with you? Did you invite them to stay to visit with you or are they coming to your area for another reason?

Accomplished_Two1611 −  What 41 yo goes to bed at 8 pm? Sounds like something my great grandmother would have done.
Ok, I get it, people who have to get up early for work. Since the guest will be on her vacation, asking for OP to be quiet is a bit extra to me. I would just wear earplugs.

pegasussoaringhigh −  She could wear earplugs, turn on a fan for white noise, or stay at a hotel and just visit during the day. Unless you have vacation time from your job, you still have to work.

Ireland1169 −  NTA. Tell her she would be happier at a hotel (she can complain to reception about the guest breathing too loud two rooms down).

She is/was going to be a guest in your home but she is dictating how you live your life while you host her, NO. agree your house is too chaotic for her, she needs some where quiet, a hotel, Airbnb, Nunnery? Let her choose.

throwAWweddingwoe −  I’m a pretty light sleeper and around your friends age. A phone ringing or a person talking on the phone would keep me up at night, which in turn would make the trip miserable as I’m at the age where if I miss sleep the next day isn’t great.

I don’t think you are an A H but I don’t think your friend is either. You don’t have to accommodate her request but you need to be accepting of the fact that this might make her visit untenable because she either needs to pay for accomodations or be sleep deprived.
NAH providing you both accept each other’s positions.

East_Parking8340 −  So, the guest (who, I’m guessing is staying for free) thinks that their wants should take precedence over your job? i would be offended if a friend said that to me, probably to the extent I would cancel.

If you making a living and paying for the home, in which she plans to stay for free, isn’t good enough she should take her attitude and stay in a hotel (which at this time of year would be ridiculously noisy) or an airb&b. She has absolutely no right to dictate how you live and work in your own home.. NTA

VinylHighway −  “I think it’s best for your happiness to stay somewhere else”

Worth-Season3645 −  NTA…”Friend, I am sorry, but I just cannot move my office requirements to another room and I must work. You can, however, use ear plugs or a white noise machine.” What type of job requires this type of work that late?

Was the user right to maintain their routine in their own home, or should they have made greater adjustments to accommodate their guest? How would you balance hospitality with personal boundaries? Share your thoughts below!

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