AITA for not believing my husband stayed in while sick?’

A Reddit user shares her concerns after her husband fell ill with terrible diarrhea while she was camping with their toddler. While checking on him, her mom discovered he wasn’t home, leading to confusion and mistrust.
Upon her return, she found discrepancies in his story about where he was resting, causing her to question his honesty. Although he was angry at her for doubting him, she struggles with whether she should trust him despite the unsettling evidence. Read the story below to dive deeper into this complex situation.
‘Â AITA for not believing my husband stayed in while sick?’
My husband, our toddler and I were going camping when he got terrible diarrhea and couldn’t come. While I was gone my mom (lives at our house) checked in on him and he was gone. She texted thinking he came on the trip. He didn’t so I asked him if he went out.
He told me he was sleeping and that’s why my mom missed him. I asked where he was sleeping bc she said she looked all over, and he stopped responding to my texts. I guess my mom asked him about it bc he told her he was sleeping in the guest room.
But when I got home the room had no blankets, and the stuff that was on it when I left was untouched (scarf, wood stick on pillow). So I ask him about it again when I got home and he was pissed I thought he’d go out when he had horrible diarrhea. He stormed away and then took the car to get it washed.
When he got home he was no longer fuming but went to his office to play video games until dinner/we put our kid to bed. Then wouldn’t talk to me for the rest of the night, hiding in the office to play video games more. So AITA for not believing my husband, should I trust him despite the information I was given/saw for myself?
He’s a great guy and I’d trust w my life but I feel like I’d be a fool not to at least question the circumstance. If it were me I’d be hurt at not being trusted but I feel like I’d at least explain myself. AITA for wanting an explanation?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
ultavulta − NTA. You are e**itled to an explanation. I’d love an update when you have an answer!
panachi19 − NTA. It’s shady. He might have just gone to the pub for a bit, lied thinking you’d be mad at him for not going camping, and keeps doubling down on it. Could be anything really.
Medeya24 − He faked having diarrhea so he didn’t have to go camping. He definitely went out to do something he actually wanted to do instead. He could have went to see a s** worker or to play golf, there is no way of knowing. What would upset me was the blatant lying. Can you check the gps on his car? It might give you some answers.
filetmignon100 − Best case, it was the shits.. Worst case, he is cheating.
[Reddit User] − NAH. Everyone is pretty quick to jump to ‘He’s cheating!’ Maybe he was sleeping in the guest room. Crapped himself. Took the sheets off to wash. Now he’s embarrassed. Or, didn’t wanna go camping, lied, and now realizes that was a s**t thing to do and is embarrassed. Or, hates your mom, hid from her, and doesn’t want to admit it.
Willing-Round9851 − Any time any one gets hella defensive immediately when they’re accused, instead of communicating when their partner is obviously upset, it’s a red flag. Might not indicate he’s cheating but he’s willing to save face than reassure you
FreckledFraggle − Yikes…you’re NTA. May I ask *who planned* and scheduled the camping trip on the calendar? What vehicle did he take to get washed during this heated argument? The vehicle you took camping, or a vehicle he had in his possession during your absence?
I don’t think he’s cheating. I think cheating would be small taters compared to the vibes I’m getting.
Sudden-Rip-4471 − A coworker of mine was once in the hot seat. He was taking a day off to just sit in a coffee shop and read, or went to play video games. His wife somehow found out, and requested to see his time sheet, which showed a number of days off where he went to work.
It was bad… She was convinced he was cheating and he lied cuz he didn’t want to admit to his wife that he took a day off just to be alone. High pressure job and two young kids apparently drove him to the brink. He eventually was able to prove it, but I think it took a week or two during which he was basically heading for divorce.
xdaemonisx − NTA. Something’s definitely off here and it’s hard to tell if it’s something innocuous or not. Maybe he was feeling better and went out? Maybe he made an obligation to help a friend with something sensitive? Maybe he just didn’t want to go camping? Worst case?
He’s cheating. He did try to gaslight you, which isn’t very nice. I’d want to know what’s up.
Is it reasonable to question a partner’s actions when there’s conflicting information, especially in a relationship built on trust? How should couples handle situations where misunderstandings arise? Share your thoughts in the comments!
I’m not going camping without my husband, alone, with a small child.
But if I did, I wouldn’t micromanage my husband during his at home time.