AITA for not attending my best friend’s wedding because I can’t afford the expensive gift they’re expecting?


A person is struggling with whether to attend their best friend Sarah’s wedding after Sarah mentioned that she was expecting a “generous” gift of around $1,000. Due to financial difficulties, the person can’t afford this and is considering not going to avoid awkwardness. Read the full story below…


‘ AITA for not attending my best friend’s wedding because I can’t afford the expensive gift they’re expecting?’

I’ve been best friends with “Sarah” for over a decade. When she got engaged, she mentioned that she was hoping for a “generous” gift, implying something around $1,000. I’m currently struggling financially due to unexpected medical bills and can’t afford such an extravagant gift.

I told Sarah I’d be there to celebrate with her but that I’d only be able to contribute a modest amount. She seemed disappointed and said that it would reflect poorly on me if I didn’t contribute significantly, as she’s seen others give expensive gifts.


Now, I’m considering not attending the wedding at all to avoid the awkwardness. I feel torn between wanting to support my friend and being honest about my financial situation. AITA for possibly not going to the wedding because I can’t meet their gift expectations?

Here’s how people reacted to the post:

VII_187 −  NTA. Weddings are about sharing the love you have together with your family and friends, not expensive gifts.


[Reddit User] −  $1,000? 🙄 NTA, that’s crazy. 

Forward-Wear7913 −  NTA. I would not attend that wedding and would reconsider the friendship if it has a price tag.


Ill-Package5450 −  Hell nah. That a material b**ch. She don’t care about feelings. She be feeling that wallet

fromouterspace1 −  F**k that. I’d straight up tell her it’s making you think of not going and it’s an insult to you. I’ve been to many m any weddings and never once was I told anything about gifts in anyway. Just sent the registry and bought stuff they’d wanted. All of them wouod still have wanted me there even if I told them I didn’t buy a gift. It’s about family and friends celebrating a big occasion, not for gifts


CJCreggsGoldfish −  It’s intensely tacky, rude, and trashy to strong-arm large gifts from anyone for any reason. You might like to reconsider having such a close relationship with her from now on.

stickylarue −  Gift her a book of etiquette as a present because she is tacky and rude. No true friend expects or even asks this. Materialistic and shallow people do.
A wedding is a celebration of love and union. Not an excuse to extort gifts from people. NTA. I wouldn’t go. I also wouldn’t be her friend anymore. Reflects badly on you? B**lshit. This reflects her greed and nothing else.


BonBon4564 −  Darling, where did you get the idea that this awful woman is your friend? Would you treat your friend this way?

Beneficial_Test_5917 −  Send only an inexpensive card to this attempted extortionist.


tastefulsiideboob −  WTF?????? You cant be serious

Should the person attend the wedding and give a modest gift, or skip it to avoid uncomfortable tension? What do you think? Share your opinion below!


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