AITA for naming my child the same name that SIL named hers just weeks earlier?

A Redditor faced family drama after their sister-in-law (SIL) named her daughter the same name they had already announced for their baby. Despite SIL choosing the name first, the Redditor stuck with their decision because it held personal significance. Now, SIL is upset the cousins share a name. Read the full story below…
‘ AITA for naming my child the same name that SIL named hers just weeks earlier?’
My SIL has never liked me. She had always tried to one up me. We were both pregnant at the same time. Her due date was 6 days after mine but her girl came early so she gave birth roughly 2 weeks before me. We had already announced our name because MIL wanted to make a blanket with baby’s name in it.
SIL said their name was a secret. Well turns out they named their daughter the name we chose and announced. She thought she had won and I decided it wasn’t worth arguing with her. I gave birth and we simply went ahead with our name choice.
It’s a generic name like Sara or Anna but it’s was also my mum’s name which is why we chose it. So technically SIL could have planned for this name all along but I doubt it. Well, she’s not happy at all that the two cousins now share a name. I told her tough luck and why did she think we’d change our name?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
BitiumRibbon − You know what I love most about this? Every year, watching the middle school drama happen, I tell my students over and over again, “if you don’t play, you can’t lose.” This? This might now be my go-to example of that precise philosophy. You didn’t win, you didn’t lose, you just weren’t playing the same game because the game is stupid.. Rock on. **NTA.**
Edit: Woke up drowning in comments. And me without my snorkel. Just wanted to address something: **no,** this is not the **only** life advice I give my kids, and of course it doesn’t apply to **every** situation. It’s handy at times and helps put things in perspective, that’s all. I’m a professional, yo. Don’t worry. I got this. 😉
Got some messages about my book, too, which is harder to come by these days – PM me if you want a hard copy and we’ll work something out. Edit Edit: And amazingly, no, I haven’t seen The Wire or Wargames, but now I think I should. Might find some kindred spirits in there.
apacheskulls138 − NTA. You announced your name ahead of time and she didn’t bring up anything until she gave birth, then expected you to change it? Really?
[Reddit User] − NTA, if she knew you had already announced it but still kept it a secret and then went through with the name anyways then she’s the a**hole. Also, I have a brother named Mike, uncle named Mike,
and cousin named Mike and no one cares. (The uncle is my mom’s brother and the cousin is his kid named after himself. My mom claims my brother Mike was just because they like the name and not named after the uncle)
Part-Officer − Nta, if she really cared that much, she shouldn’t have named her kid that name. We have four Katies in my family. My sister is Kaitie (actually Kaitlin but we always have called her Katie), my step dads little sister is Katie, my step brothers wife is Katie, and my uncles gf is Katie. If we can manage all four Katie’s without anyone getting pissy, she can get over it.
MaximusIsKing − NTA!. Now you have a great story too. *We’re so flattered you loved the name we chose and announced for X- the cousins will grow up knowing how much you wanted them to have such a deep bond growing up*. The best revenge for your SIL type is being unbothered, it really grinds their gears.
salad_hater_117 − Nta you announced your name and she could’ve brought up any quarrels before you both gave birth
musicmoose27 − NTA. Especially since it is a namesake. I am curious to your partner’s thoughts of SIL’s naming.
soniq209 − NTA. What a vindictive witch. I’d add in some pettiness and buy a million things with your babies name on it, ‘Sara’ in 3 inch letters across every baby grow, every sweater, a little headband with her name on it…
safeassign − When the kids are older they will be such friends, “We have the same name and are the same age, yuppie!”
dookle14 − NTA – it sounds like she was trying to force your hand to choose another name. She pulled a power move and you called her bluff. Kudos for sticking to your guns. It’s not like you were hiding the name anyways.
Is the Redditor justified in keeping the name, or should they have chosen something else to avoid conflict? Share your thoughts in the comments!