AITA for moving out mid-lease and stranding my roommate with full rent after his girlfriend keeps accusing me of being “creepy”?

A Redditor shares how they decided to move out mid-lease after their roommate’s girlfriend made living conditions unbearable by imposing strict rules and accusing them of being “creepy” for minor interactions.
Despite an unofficial agreement to stay through the year, the Redditor feels justified in leaving but wonders if they’re wrong for stranding their roommate with full rent. Were they out of line for breaking their verbal commitment, or were they pushed too far? Read the story below…
‘ AITA for moving out mid-lease and stranding my roommate with full rent after his girlfriend keeps accusing me of being “creepy”?’
So I’ve been living with my current roommate for 2 years now. I’m actually subletting and I’m on my 2nd year which is month-to-month, but we’ve had an unofficial “verbal” agreement that I’d stay until the end of the year. I mean it’s a pandemic, I didn’t think I’d move either. Anyways his gf moved in beginning of this year.
It’s been…a lot. She’s obviously had some trauma in the past. I didn’t dig but I believe she was the victim of a home robbery a few years back. Well when she first moved in my roommate had some “ground rules” for me so his gf would be more comfortable. She obviously wasn’t thrilled about having another roommate.
He said I couldn’t talk to her (like strike up a convo) if he wasn’t there because she doesn’t want to have to talk to me if she didn’t have to. He also said it would be best if we tried to not use the same facilities at the same time (like if she’s cooking in the kitchen, I should wait until she leaves before I grab food, etc.)
Like yes it’s strange but I figured it’s his place so whatever. I’m not trying to befriend her either. Things got worse in recent months cause we’ve all been working from home. It’s REALLY hard to avoid someone 24/7. So obviously I’ve slipped up more. One time I came home from Costco and offered her a spare bottle of coconut water I couldn’t fit in the fridge.
Big mistake. My roommate had to have a “talk” with me that night about how I should know she would never drink my drinks and it’s weird for me to even offer. The most recent one was when she was watching some GoT in our living room. I just absentmindedly watched a bit standing behind the couch.
I laughed at a scene which startled her when she looked up and saw me standing behind her. I got another earful from my roommate about how I needed to stop “creeping” on her now that I’m home all the time. Long story short, my friend just had a place open up that’s cheap and I’m gonna move.
I told my roommate and he’s pissed, because of our unofficial agreement and how he’s probably gonna pay full rent for a while. I feel bad because yeah, I did say I wasn’t gonna move. But I’m also pretty sick of both him and his gf. However, I feel kind of guilty because I agreed to their weird rules before all this started back when I thought it’d be ok.
See what others had to share with OP:
Storkey01 − NTA – That’s an insane way to have to live. Get out ASAP
SimonSpooner − NTA. If you leave there are still 2 people in the flat. Why is the gf not paying rent? Besides that, these were ridiculous rules. If she can’t get over her past trauma it’s not your responsibility to cope with her to the point you can’t offer coconut water. Must be hard for her but she is TA.
DormantDormaus − NTA. He made the place super uncomfortable for you. Is it weird that I want to hear more about this bizarre situation though?
aliquilts71 − NTA. You agreed to stay there BEFORE you started getting treated like a would be criminal in your own home. It’s ridiculous to expect you to live like that. If your roommates girlfriend can’t live with other people in her living space, she shouldn’t have moved in.
pukui7 − NTA. Move out and don’t look back. If you are such a c**ep, they should be overjoyed to see you leaving anyway.
Raoul_Duke_Nukem − NTA Your roommate’s girlfriend sounds weird and incapable of normal human interaction. How do you live in the same house as someone without striking up an occasional conversation once in a while or running into each other in common areas?
That would be very uncomfortable. It sounds like your roommate is enabling her weird behaviour instead of explaining to her that it’s just not how human beings act in a society. Get out of there.
SlytherClaw3 − NTA.. Move out. However, I feel kind of guilty because I agreed to their weird rules before all this started back when I thought it’d be ok. Exactly. When you thought it would be OK. This is a bit much.
Obviously we don’t know what trauma she’s gone through, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with being treated like that at your own place. That’s your home too. If you’re not comfortable with how you’re being treated – which, frankly, *noone* would be, then you need to leave.
dr197 − NTA. The place was your home just as much as it was theirs. From what you have said you seemed to have been nothing but nice and willing to put up with them. I understand she went through traumatic experiences but if she’s going to act like this she needs to see a therapist before she moves in with anyone.
[Reddit User] − NTA. Your room mate and his GF sound perfect for one another, who wants to play third wheel to those two asshats.
jccec − I hope you tell him why you’re leaving. “Look, you guys are F**KING weird. I’m out of here. It feels like I’m walking on eggshells. It’s a weird situation and I’ve been offered to live in a normal environment. BYE.”
Did the Redditor have every right to move out given the hostile environment, or should they have honored their verbal agreement? How would you handle such an uncomfortable living situation? Share your thoughts!