AITA for making sexy poses while neighbor kept recording me for no reason?

A Redditor shared a situation where their older neighbor constantly recorded them while they were doing yard work. Frustrated by the invasion of privacy, the Redditor decided to make provocative poses in front of the camera.
This led to the neighbor accusing them of sexual harassment, which the Redditor feels is unfair. Read the original story below to get the full context and see how the situation escalated.
‘ AITA for making sexy poses while neighbor kept recording me for no reason?’
My dad passed away recently and he left me (26M) and my sister (31f) his house. It’s super unkempt so I’ve been doing lots of yard work outside in the mornings. I’m out there watering the grass in the mornings and evenings.
Every single time I’ve done this the neighbor right next door who’s like this older granny comes out to her porch and straight up watches me without even hiding it. I introduced myself to her once that me and my sister are the new owners after my dad passed but it was obvious she didn’t wanna talk.
Next thing she started coming outside with her *phone* pointing the camera right at me. I’m like “ is there a problem?” She says there’s no problem as long as I’m doing what I’m supposed to. I asked her why is she recording me then.
Neighbor lady goes what’s the problem with me recording if you’re not doing anything wrong. It’s so f**king weird I didn’t even know how to respond to the situation. Soon as I finished up to go back inside she went back to her house too. This happens every. single. day I’m outside watering the grass.
Always the same excuse that she wants to make sure I’m not doing anything else or if I do it’s on camera. So yesterday I got fed up and decided to do something different. When she came out with her phone I stuck my ass out and put my hand on my hip looking right at her.
At first she was like wtf but then she got really mad when I started wetting myself with the water hose an touching my neck while literally looking directly at her. Was it stupid? Yes but she put her phone away and started cussing me out for being a p**vert.
My sister told me later on that she came to the house when I was at work talking about me s**ually harassing her making poses in provocative ways. My sister knows she’s a pain in the ass since she probably has nothing better to do with her time.
But I still shouldn’t have stooped to her level making her uncomfortable right back. I feel like I’m right on this one and it wasn’t even that bad but also can be a d**bass sometimes so idk you guys tell me. Was I an a**hole?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
attabe123 − This is the best thing I’ve read in awhile.. Resounding NTA
Blue-Eyed-Lemon − NTA. Call her a p**vert right back for filming it. Sounds like she really needs to start minding her own business like the rest of us do. Houses change owners. There’s literally nothing wrong or weird about that.
[Reddit User] − NTA. film her filming you then pan to your poses and post it on youtube.
Visserhops23 − NTA. Although now I’m wondering if your and your sisters house is in an HOA neighborhood and your neighbor is just looking for something to complain about.
visturge − NTA, she’s recording you while you’re on your own property, that’s stalker behavior. I would complain to the HOA (if you have one) or just straight up report her to the police for harassment and filming you on your property without your consent, if you can
CharlesMuskrat − Dude put on a show. Give that granny some evening watching material. Keep it legal but go all out otherwise.
Maybe come out in a uniform and strip down sexy like to a swimsuit then oil up.. NTA
Historical-Corgi3021 − NTA. What is your states laws on video recording people on their private property? If you’re in a two party consent state(idk if that’s the exact name of it) what she’s doing is illegal. Consult with a lawyer and get her to stop
nextCosmicBuffoon − At first she was like wtf but then she got really mad when I started wetting myself with the water hose an touching my neck while literally looking directly at her. Was it stupid? That is awesome! No you did not over do it. Isn’t she the p**vert for watching you do this?. NTA – your new neighbor is though
sinevigiliamentis − NTA. Sounds like you need a speedo and some music do dance suggestively to while you do your outdoor chores. Or to just set up your phone pointed at her yard when you start so you record everything as well. Hey, wireless security cams can be pretty cheap these days.
yesnomaybe123 − NTA. I would have straight out asked her if she’s aware that she is harassing the new owner of the house. Also, if you were on your private property, does she have a right to film you? You’re not out in public.
When she called you a p**vert you should of said “Are your projecting, because you’re the one who is out here filming me without consent.” Seriously, who the hell does she think she is saying there’s ‘no problem as long as I’m doing what I’m supposed to.’ What exactly are you “supposed” to be doing on your property by your house?
I’m not even kidding, if she’s used the words “s**ually harassing her,” you should probably file a complaint against her preemptively for harassment to get it on record. Just because someone is a granny doesn’t give her the right to be an a**hole. You’re home doing your thing.
Do you think the Redditor was justified in responding this way to their neighbor’s behavior, or should they have handled the situation differently? How would you deal with a neighbor who seems to be invading your privacy? Share your thoughts below!