AITA for making my wife delete a photo of us?

A Redditor shared a conflict with his wife after she posted a photo of them that he disliked. Despite expressing his concerns, his wife posted the photo anyway, leading to an argument. Read the original story below to find out how the situation escalated.
‘ AITA for making my wife delete a photo of us?’
My wife posted a photo of us recently and I absolutely hated the way I looked. It was two photos, I said the one photo was okay to post but the other was terrible. I recently had a very bad haircut. She posted it anyway and I was very upset. I told her to delete it.
She said she won’t because people already saw it and she asked at the time if these photos were okay when she took the photos. I said I didn’t get a good look at them at the time. She deleted it and started crying. She got so mad at me and wouldn’t talk to me for hours after I made her delete it. She said most guys wouldn’t care and would just let their wife be happy.
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
Scav_Construction − You need to post the photo so we can judge it properly
Apart-Ad-6518 − NTA. I said the *one photo* was okay to post but the other was terrible. So she should post the one you consented to being posted as opposed to posting both when you weren’t happy. She should’ve just deleted the other one when you asked. How would she feel if the situation was reversed & you posted a photo of her /wouldn’t take it down when she asked you to?. She deleted it and started crying.
She said most guys wouldn’t care and would just let *their wife be happy*. Well you did care. And it’s totally ok not to want an image of yourself online you wouldn’t be comfortable with. Why should she be happy if you aren’t? She needs to get over herself.. Edited to make better sense
Competitive_Beat_584 − My husband would ask me to delete a pic he didn’t like , and I wouldn’t care. She’s taking it a little too personally. Why is what other people on the internet more important?Â
Bulky_Feedback_3530 − How old is she? I mean, seriously, to cry at being asked to take down a specific photo. NTA. Your wife sounds really immature.
No_Roof_1910 − Imagine if a lady posted this saying her husband posted a pic she did NOT want to be posted…
GirlDad2023_ − From the last line, what your wife means is, you need to be a doormat and let me do what I want. NTA.
AttackOfTheMonkeys − Does your wife often cry over small things and get her way?
Joubachi − So… your wife starts crying because *you set a clear boundary and you didn’t let her disrespect it* …? Sorry, but that is behaviour of a toddler, not a grown adult. Quite obviously NTA – but if I were you I’d really try to figure out why she acts like that.
rlrlrlrlrlr − She thinks that most guys would let their wife be happy… So happiness for her includes posting images that make you feel bad? Why is she happy about you feeling bad? . NTA
Beautific_Fun − NTA. Not everyone is comfortable having a huge online presence. You should have the ability to choose who you share your info with (including photos) and your wife should respect your wishes here. Just imagine if the roles were reversed and you posted a photo online in which she is looking less than…
Do you think the Redditor was wrong to ask his wife to delete the photo, or was his reaction understandable given his insecurities? How would you handle a situation where you disliked how you looked in a photo posted by your partner? Share your thoughts below!