AITA for making my boyfriend feel uncomfortable after he insisted on joining us on girls night in?

A Reddit user shared their experience of trying to get their boyfriend to stop joining their girls’ nights in. After repeatedly insisting that he be included, the user decided to take matters into their own hands by making the evening uncomfortable for him.
They brought up embarrassing and uncomfortable topics during the gathering, which led to their boyfriend leaving early. He later confronted the user, upset about being made to feel uncomfortable. The user is now questioning if their actions were justified or if they went too far.
‘ AITA for making my boyfriend feel uncomfortable after he insisted on joining us on girls night in?’
My boyfriend m/27 started asking to join me in my girls night in. Everytime I tried to say no he be like “I have to join or you’ll have to cancel”. It made me & the girls miserable having to sit there with him in the middle. This past friday he insisted to join us again,
I had enough I came up with an idea to get him to hate hanging out with us, made a plan and told the girls what we were going to do and they were down for ot. The girls came and my boyfriend immediately sat with us and started ruining our conversations by steering them towards him/his work/his achievement.
So here’s what I did, I started bringing up gross/ embarrassing subjects and the girls were eating them up by talking about them in details. Subjects like sevx, periods (his most sensitive spot), cramp diarrhea, hairy legs, fart getting trapped in the valva and coming out the front.
Squeezing s**t out of our faces, cramp diarrhea, dirty underware, and again…cramp diarrhea. We talked about this stuff in boring details, like…I could feel his discomfert without even looking at him. But God when I turned to see why he got quiet suddenly. he was getting red in the face, and had sweat all over his forehead,
I bet he found himself unable to relate to thise subject thus couldn’t take part in the conversation. He got up from the couch ready to head out, I looked at him and asked where he was going and he was like “I just ah…I just remembered that I have an important meeting with a guy in about 10 minutes and….ah…
I have to go now” he rushed out telling us to have fun. The girls and I started laughing hysterically. he came home and berated me saying I made him feel uncomfortable/sick with the horrible subjects I kept bringing. I said “what u talking about?
This is the typical stuff girls talk about all the time” but he insisted I made him upset and caused him to leave. He declined to speak to me and been quiet since then.. AITA?
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
jlzania − The big question is why are you choosing to be with a man that refuses to respect your right to hang out with other people without him? Edited to add: Thank you Redditors. You are too kind.
Front_World205 − NTA – ‘ i have to join or you have have t cancel’ is controlling. rethink your relationship with him
bobledrew − NTA. But there’s nothing funny about this story. Your BF is attempting to exert coercive control over your actions. Look up — there are red flags flying from all the flagpoles.
DogsReadingBooks − Well. He wanted to be apart of girls night. He finally was. NTA.. Also. ”I have to join or you’ll have to cancel”.. Tf is wrong with your boyfriend?
Euphoric-Round-5182 − NTA but you are missing the forest for the trees. You’re congratulating yourself on grossing him out into leaving and ignoring the real problem. He has all the hallmarks of an abuser. Controlling you, attempting to isolate you, shaming you about basic functions of your body…. You need to d**p this guy.
sandvcrispsrock − NTA but I have to ask what on earth is this? “I have to join or you’ll have to cancel?” Oh heck no! You have the right to time on your own with your friends. Is he controlling elsewhere? Please take some time to reflect on your relationship because this is completely unreasonable and inappropriate behaviour from him.
AlwaysPlaysAHealer − NTA. Here sis, you dropped these. 1) can’t let you have alone time with your friends? 2) Can’t handle period talk? 3) Gets ANGRY with you for talking about normal body functions with your friends??. Honey, throw they whole man out
chipschipschipss − INFO: why are you with someone who says “I have to join or you’ll cancel”? Because that sounds insane
gingergale312 − INFO. Why do you have to resort to games to tell him no?
DoublemeatPalaceAlum − Set your boyfriend up with the lady from yesterday who won’t let her boyfriend entertain his friends without joining in. Problem solved.