AITA for leaving the toilet seat up in the bathroom I share with my sister?

A Reddit user shares their dilemma about a recurring conflict with their younger sister over leaving the toilet seat up in the shared bathroom at their dad’s house. After recently moving into a smaller home following their parents’ divorce, the sibling dynamic is strained, with the sister feeling frustrated and the brother feeling unjustly accused.
This tension escalated when the sister nearly had an accident due to the seat being left up again. Is the brother really the jerk in this situation, or is his sister overreacting? Read the original story below to dive deeper into their family dynamics and the debate over bathroom etiquette.
‘Â AITA for leaving the toilet seat up in the bathroom I share with my sister?’
I 13m am now sharing a bathroom with my little sister 11f. Our parents our divorced and we just started staying at our dads house on the weekends and our moms in the weekdays. Our dads new house is smaller then the one we lived in before they got divorced and so my sister and me have to share a bathroom.
She has been really mad about me leaving the toilet seat up. This is only our 3rd weekend at our dads house and she has nagged me about leaving the toilet seat up like 10 times. She keeps telling me I’m ” such a j**k ” for leaving the toilet seat up.
And today she got really mad about it again because she was coming home from her soccer game and I guess had to pee really bad cuz she yelled at me for leaving the toilet seat up again. She said she almost wet her soccer shorts because she had to turn around and put the seat back down herself before she could pee.
She said I was a complete j**k for leaving the seat up, I told her” hey I never ask you to put the seat back up for me after you pee so why should I have to put the seat back down for you”? She got really mad yelled ” because only jerks leave the toilet seat up you j**k “.
I didn’t think it was a big deal but she is really mad about it.. AITA?
See what others had to share with OP:
KWAYkai − The proper & hygienic method is to put the seat & lid down. All of your future partners or roommates will appreciate it. Thinking about other people goes a long way.
CatteNappe − YTA. By 13 you should be old enough to know you are supposed to put the seat down. Only jerks leave the toilet seat up.
Upper-Contract5831 − YTA. I don’t understand people who don’t put the lid down. Like do you leave it up when you flush so it sprays toilet water everywhere? Do you put it down to flush and then put it back up? Because that just seems like a waste of time.
DragonScrivner − Put the seat and lid down after you’re done, dude; it’s not hard.. YTA.
eatthecheesefries − YTA. You also need the seat down at times. She never needs it up. Majority rule.
[Reddit User] − Yta. Just the way it is man, be a gentleman and make it habbit. You will save yourself and others.
notpostingmyrealname − YTA. Seat and lid down for everyone before flushing is the way.
bkdrmn − Son, this is the eternal struggle of men and women living together. Ideally, you should put the seat and lid down when you finish, then flush the toilet. It’s the hygienic, and considerate thing to do. Why would this be you ask? When one flushes a toilet, water droplets are sprayed around the bathroom if the lid isn’t closed.
Do you really want to dry yourself with a towel that has been sprayed with urine or excrement ? I’m sure you can find a video on YouTube which verifies this. Apologize to your little sister and tell her that you’ll act like a gentleman and put the seat and lid down after you drain the weasel.
IgnoranceIsShameful − Seat and lid down EVERY time. YTA.
FireBallXLV − YTA.If you ever want to date and have a girlfriend learn now to put the toilet seat down after you use the toilet.if you do not want to touch it thrn use the tip of your shoe to knock it down.Seriously Bro’ this is a deal breaker for a lot of women.Be nice to your sister.