AITA for leaving my sister’s wedding early because she kept my husband out of pictures?


The user attended their sister Anne’s wedding with their husband Mark. After the ceremony, Anne requested a family photo with alternating men and women, but when Mark stood next to the user, Anne told him to leave the picture because he “ruined the aesthetic.” Despite a suggestion from the youngest sister to adjust the lineup so everyone could stay in the picture,

Anne insisted Mark leave. Hurt by this, the user walked away with Mark, left the wedding early, and later told Anne that they didn’t feel their presence was wanted. Anne and the rest of the family have since criticized the user for leaving early.


‘ AITA for leaving my sister’s wedding early because she kept my husband out of pictures?’

My (31M) sister Anne (34F) got married on Saturday. My husband of 7 years, Mark (32M), was there with me and up until one point, is was an amazing evening.
After the ceremony, Anne wanted a picture with all of our siblings (there’s five of us) and their respective partners so we started lining up.


When Anne saw that my husband was standing next to me, she shook her head and said something about him “ruining the aesthetic”. Apparently, her plan was to put one man and one woman next to each other alternately.

My youngest sister (18F), who doesn’t have a partner and was standing on the very side, offered to stand between the two of us, so we could be close and Anne’s wish would still be respected. I thought that was a great solution, but Anne disagreed and told Mark to get out of the picture.


He’s quite introverted and tries to avoid confrontation under all circumstances, so he simply complied and told me not to get angry, but it was obvious that he was hurt and disappointed by being left out. Obviously, it didn’t stop me from getting angry and I walked away with him.

I can understand that Anne wants her wedding pictures to look exactly how she imagined them, but I think that the idea my younger sister proposed was very reasonable. I congratulated Anne and her husband one last time, but then I said my goodbyes. When I was asked why we were leaving early (especially before taking the pictures),


I said that I didn’t feel like our presence was wanted. We left before dinner was served and I took Mark out to his favorite restaurant to cheer him up a little. Anne has texted me since saying that I was being overdramatic and making a fuss over nothing.

Our parents have tried to remain neutral, but expect for my youngest sister, the rest of the family supports Anne and thinks that leaving early was going too far and that I should’ve sucked it up instead of ruining her big day.


Here’s what the community had to contribute:

thiswillnotdo −  NTA Has your sister always been shamelessly h**ophobic, or has the wedding brought out a new side of her?

BensBum −  NTA. She expects you do celebrate her marriage while she disrespects yours. Good on you for respecting your husband. Wow. I’ve never gotten an award before. Thank you all for reminding me that, although there are serious assholes in this world, they are NOT the majority. Peace and love.


RsHoneyBadger −  NTA Anne wanted a picture with all of our siblings (there’s five of us) and their respective partners, but Anne disagreed and told Mark to get out of the picture. Anne did not get the picture asked for. When you look back at the pictures your husbands absence will be abundantly clear.. Don’t blame you for leaving.

Otherwise-Painter-67 −  NTA, your sister was being h**ophobic, and you did exactly what any husband should do. You could have given your sister the option of “either this compromise or we’re leaving because I won’t let my husband forced out of family photos when everyone else’s spouses are in it.”,


or something similar, but I doubt it would have done any good. Give your husband a hug and tell him this internet stranger is sorry that he went through this.

Watertribe_Girl −  NTA at all. I’m so sorry you feel you even need to ask this, Anne was being unkind and you stuck up for your husband. If she was just focused on girl boy (bizarre) then she would have been ok with your younger sister in between. But she wasn’t, she wanted him out of the photo.


Why? Probably h**ophobic or something. NTA at all, sending you love because drama and bs like this is exhausting

DoIwantToKnow6417 −  You stood up for your husband, he’s your nuclear family. Your sister is an AH, and the relatives who support her are enabling her behaviour. Her ‘excuse’ of not wanting your husband in the picture was perfectly solved by your younger sister.


It’s obvious she just didn’t want your husband in the picture, ’cause a picture with all her siblings with their partners would just not be complete without your husband of seven years.. NTA Love the way you took your husband to dinner instead.

baka-tari −  Your sister wanted a picture of you as she desired you to be, not as you actually are. Imagine if this were any other male/female couple – would sister have made the same request, and would the flying monkeys be flinging poo like they are now?


Good call, walking away. Your presence, as you exist, was not desired. No reason to stick around and by quietly insulted. If the bride can’t even manage to be nice on her big day, I can’t imagine how poorly she treats you on normal days.. NTA

Gothicc_Witchxo −  NTA – You didn’t ruin Anne’s big day. She ruined it herself. Your sister tried to turn her homophobia into an “aesthetic,” my goodness. The nerve of this woman. I’m so sorry for you and your partner having to experience that. Whoa, I’ve never gotten an award before. Thank you so much!


Devskov −  I was being overdramatic and making a fuss over nothing But she wasn’t? You did the right thing by sticking up for your spouse. NTA.

Candypandy07 −  Your sister’s a homophobe. Clearly NTA


While the user had a legitimate reason to feel upset about the exclusion of their husband, the family’s reaction shows differing perspectives on what is considered an acceptable response to such a situation. Was leaving early a reasonable choice, or did it create unnecessary tension on a special day?

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One Comment

  1. Chris 1 month ago

    Explain to the family members trying to defend her “so if I were to insist that we leave your spouse out of a picture but include everyone else’s spouses, in a FAMILY picture, how would that make you feel?” Anyone who says they’re okay with that is a liar, but feel free to test that at some point. Start inviting family members to events, but randomly ask one of them to leave their spouse at home, because reasons. You’re so not the AH, but Anne absolutely is, and deserves the scorn you are giving her.