AITA for leaving my sister and her new husband stranded on their honeymoon because they wouldn’t stop pranking me?

A man agreed to drive his prank-loving sister and her new husband to their honeymoon cabin, but the journey turned into a frustrating ordeal. They hid his keys, switched his GPS to another language, and sprayed his car with silly string, all under the guise of “harmless fun.”
Fed up, he left after dropping them off, accidentally taking her purse and his brother-in-law’s phone. When they called, begging him to return, he refused, saying they could retrieve their belongings later. Now they’re upset, accusing him of ruining their honeymoon start. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for leaving my sister and her new husband stranded on their honeymoon because they wouldn’t stop pranking me?’
I (28M) have a younger sister (26F) who’s always been a prankster. I’ve usually gone along with it, but during her wedding and now her honeymoon, it’s been way over the top. She and her new husband planned their honeymoon in a beautiful mountain cabin a few hours away,
and she asked if I could drive them there since they didn’t want to rent a car. I agreed since they’re family and it was a way for me to contribute without buying an expensive gift. From the moment I picked them up, they were in full prank mode.
They switched my GPS to another language, hid my phone when I wasn’t looking, and kept messing with the radio. I laughed it off, but I was also kind of annoyed because it was a long drive. When we got to the cabin, they convinced me to stay for a bit to “check out the view” and grab a bite to eat.
Then they took my keys and *hid them.* I spent almost 45 minutes looking for them while they laughed their heads off. When I finally found my keys, I told them I was done and ready to go home. My sister begged me to stay longer, but I’d had enough of the “honeymoon pranks.”
As I was leaving, they sprayed silly string all over my car, which I’d just cleaned before the trip. So, I got in my car and left — but I didn’t realize until I was halfway home that my sister had left her purse and my brother-in-law left his phone in the backseat.
They started blowing up my phone, begging me to come back, but I was exhausted and honestly didn’t feel like dealing with another prank, so I said they could come get their stuff when they got back. They managed to get a friend to bring it to them the next day,
but now they’re mad at me for “ruining the start of their honeymoon.” My sister says I’m being too sensitive and can’t take a joke, but I think they went too far. AITA for leaving them stranded?
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
lchornet − NTA. They seam too immature to be married. I hope they grow up quickly.
shammy_dammy − NTA. Someone else can go get them and you can stop being around them. They’re exhausting and completely rude.
Agoraphobe961 − NTA. You took her purse and his phone as a prank! She really needs to learn how to take a joke
laurasdiary − NTA It sounds like your sister and her new husband are the AHs in this situation. Honestly it sounds like something is wrong with them?
Accomplished_Mud1658 − Fun history: I’m psychologist and people always ask me about red flags. They’re surprised when I say: pranks. About 10 years ago, I read some studies about how internet trolls (pranksters) are frequently sociopaths. When they’re not sociopaths,
they are similar like groups with n**cissism. I started paying attention to how everytime a patient come to me saying the guy “loves to prank” things always go terrible wrong. There are some exceptions, like its not a prank but a joke made specially to make the SO laugh.
(Sense of humor it’s not a red flag guys) But pranks are in general behaviors from people who doesn’t have empathy fully developed – like kids. It’s a immature trait and like I always say “kids don’t get married”. by the way NTA cuz no one is obligated to hold disrespect for any second.
ArmadilloDays − If the b**t of the joke isn’t laughing, it’s not a joke.
Zealousideal_Till683 − The way I see it, you didn’t so much leave them stranded, as you played a prank on them. You took their stuff – *how hilarious!* Tell your sister that she is too sensitive and needs to learn to take a joke.
Far-Juggernaut8880 − They sound insufferable… stop making yourself available to them for favours and pranks.. NTA
agg288 − NTA, they sound like they don’t enjoy each other’s company much since they need to constantly distract themselves with “jokes”. Sad.
lovepetalglee − You didn’t ruin their honeymoon they just underestimated how far they could push you.
Were his actions justified, or should he have been more accommodating despite the pranks? Is there a line between playful teasing and going too far? what do you think? share your thoughts below!