AITA for leaving my cousin’s baby with my friend for a bit?

A Reddit user, 21 years old, agreed to babysit their 7-month-old cousin’s baby for the day while attending college in the same state. After a few hours of watching the baby, a friend came over to hang out. When the user realized they had forgotten their notebook in the car, they asked their friend to keep an eye on the baby while they quickly ran to retrieve it.

However, during the short 5-minute trip, the cousin called to check in and expressed outrage at the user for leaving the baby with someone she didn’t know, deeming it irresponsible. The user was puzzled by the cousin’s reaction, feeling that a brief absence was acceptable since the baby was sleeping.

After discussing the situation with their mom, the user still feels conflicted about whether their actions were justifiable or not. Read the original story below…

‘ AITA for leaving my cousin’s baby with my friend for a bit?’

My (21M) cousin (36F) asked me to babysit her daughter (7months) for the day since she lives in the state where i go to college and I said sure. I’ve babysat her a few times before so i was chill with it, i had to stay at my apartment this weekend anyway to study.

Anyway my friend came over a few hours in and we were just chilling and the baby was near us sleeping in her bassinet. I realized I forgot my notebook for my class in my car so I asked him to watch her while I go get it. He said yeah and then I left.

I was gone for 5 minutes since I had to walk there and back from the parking structure and my cousin called me to check in as I was walking back. i told her everything was good and I was just getting back to the apartment since i had to get something from my car and she was so mad??

She was really upset that I left the baby with a “strange man” and someone she didn’t know. She was saying how I was being extremely irresponsible and shouldn’t have left her out of my sight. Maybe it’s because I don’t have kids but I don’t get the big deal.

My friend is a really good guy and the baby was sleeping so i didn’t want to take her with me. I guess I could have gotten him to go to my car but I didn’t want to have him get up when I could have easily done it. If i was gone for 20+ mins i get it but i was only gone for 5.

I kind of feel bad but I’m also confused??  My mom said I could have gotten him to go get it but she shouldn’t be that mad at me. I don’t know if i’m just being dumb or not…

Check out how the community responded:

ExpensiveJam8726 −  If I was a parent and I found out you left my child with someone I did not know, I’d be very upset. You’re not an a**hole, and your cousin might be taking things to the extreme, but I would say it’s pretty universally known that if you are the babysitter you don’t leave the child unless there is a prior agreement or some sort of emergency situation. Getting a notebook doesn’t qualify as an emergency.

Routine-Call2430 −  Gentle YTA, because even if you know he’s a good guy, your cousin does not. It’s really scary out there for parents.

Dangerous_End9472 −  As a parent I would be furious. I entrusted YOU with the most important thing to me and you left my baby with someone who is a complete stranger to me. As a college kid, I get that you don’t see the issue but trust me it’s a big deal.

Zestyclose_Gur_8889 −  You are not dumb. I get it. He’s your friend. Here’s your cousins side, you left her baby with a complete stranger. No, he wasn’t a stranger to you, but he was to her, and how well do you know this guy? Just from school? So, not long?????

You don’t know if this guy could go off and shake the baby or throw the baby or punch the baby if it cried. There are some things you never know about people until you see it. Or he could have grabbed the baby and run. You just never know.

You’re not dumb. You’re young, and you made a mistake. You didn’t think a thing about it, or you wouldn’t have told her. Worse comes to worse, you won’t babysit anymore. No harm, no foul.

TimeRabbit2966 −  If you’re ever in a situation like this again- have the friend get the notebook for you. NAH

LawyerDad1981 −  NTA. All of these YTAs are blowing my mind. Get a grip. There was nothing wrong with what you did, the guy was known to you, not a “stranger,” and it was only a couple of minutes. Parents go into hysterics for the most nonsense little things these days, it’s ridiculous.. And yes, I’m a parent. A good one.

beginagain4me −  You left the child for 5 min while running to your car, I don’t think it’s a big deal at all. Obviously your cousin doesn’t agree, she can pay someone to babysit next time or stay with her own child.

TheHonPonderStibbons −  NTA. I’m a parent. In these types of situations, it’s great that you have someone reliable to help out.. You were gone a very short time. If your cousin doesn’t trust your judgement about the people you’re spending time with, that shows she doesn’t have respect for you.

You’re doing her a favour by babysitting. If she’s not happy for for you to use your judgement, the best solution is to not babysit for her anymore. Let her find someone else and you can go back to enjoying your free time. Your cousin is completely in the wrong here.

MiaouMiaou27 −  NTA. You were gone only five minutes and the baby was still supervised, it’s not like you ditched the baby and went to the movies. If your cousin’s had specific expectations of how you would care for her daughter, she should have told you in advance of dropping off the child. You were doing her a favor by babysitting and she overreacted.

eowynsheiress −  NTA. However, just apologize and move on. Worst case scenario you are off the hook for babysitting in the future.

Is the user’s decision to leave the baby for a brief moment truly irresponsible, or is the cousin overreacting? How would you handle this situation? Share your thoughts below!


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