AITA for leaving my best friend and his friends stranded in an unfamiliar city?

A Redditor recounts a shocking experience of taking their best friend and his friends to a Spartan race in another state using their camper. After doing them a huge favor, the Redditor was unexpectedly locked out of their own trailer and had to sleep in their truck overnight.
The next morning, with no apologies from the group, the Redditor decided they had enough — they packed up, drove off, and left the group stranded in an unfamiliar city. Now, their best friend is furious, accusing them of overreacting. Was leaving them stranded too harsh, or was it a justified response? Read the full story below!
‘Â AITA for leaving my best friend and his friends stranded in an unfamiliar city?’
So for background, my best friend has gotten into going to these Spartan races. He and a small group of his friends have started going to local ones but recently heard about one in another state they wanted to go to and compete in, but they didn’t have anywhere to stay.
So they asked me if they could borrow my truck and trailer (I have a tow behind camper) for the weekend. I said no, I wasn’t comfortable with them taking my truck and trailer but that I’d drive them and the camper to their event. We made the three hour trip and set everything up in the area where the race was taking place the next day.
I have a habit of leaving my keys on a hook next to the door to my bedroom in my camper. Remember this. Come nightfall, I went to take a phone call outside and ended up wandering around the grounds for over an hour.
When I got back to the camper, the door was locked, and I was told by my best friend’s older friend through the window that there wasn’t enough room for me in MY trailer. So I reached for my keys to unlock the door, but realized I had left them inside the camper on the hook in my room.
So I called my best friend from outside and all I was told was “sorry bro, nothing I can do”. So I ended up sleeping in my truck that night, which I had fortunately left unlocked by accident. Their race began at 8 am, and at 7, they came meandering out of the trailer and woke me up. No apology, by the way.
So while they were in their race, I hooked my truck back up to the trailer, closed and locked everything, and waited until just after they finished and had started walking back to the trailer (think really wide open field). When I saw them coming, I started the truck and drove off the property. With them chasing behind. I made the three hour trip back home declining call after call.
When I finally got home, I finally took my best friend’s call. He started yelling at me saying “why would you do this? We have no way home now”. I just said sorry, you shouldn’t have made me sleep in my truck after I did you this solid.
He told me that there were better ways to handle this than by leaving them in an unfamiliar city with no way home. I think he ended up calling his dad to come and get them. Is he right? Was there a better way to handle this? I felt justified until he said that. I am kinda doubting my decision now.. Am I the a**hole?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
SadWeird8353 − NTA. They’re spartan warriors, right? They should run home.
Stomposaurian − NTA. Was there a more adult way to deal with this? Definitely. Did they deserve to be treated like adults after the disrespectful, asinine and childish stunt they pulled? No. F**k those guys. They got what they deserved.
Responsible-Diet-389 − NTA… who tells someone they can’t sleep in their own camper? He’s not your best friend.
Left-Car6520 − I’m just really confused what these people’s thought process was. They really thought they’d lock you out of your own camper and you’d smile and drive them home? Was it harsh? Yes. Did they deserve it? Also yes. They’re grown, they can find their way home.. NTA
marie_goos − NTA. They straight up locked you out? That’s messed up. Sounds like they see you not as a friend but as someone who can do stuff for them. They are adults with phones and money, they were fine. I would suggest you start making new (better) friends, even if you decide to keep these guys around.
cattripper − NTA.. This made me laugh. I could picture you hitching up the camper to your truck. Looking at your watch and looking out for the first sign of them coming. Then seeing them come and executing the perfect moment to fking floor it and YEE HAW!!! get the fk outta there!!! Then looking in the mirror and getting the ultimate satisfaction of seeing them running after you but to no avail. You need to cross post this. I think there is a petty revenge sub? Because this is gold.. Edit: r/pettyrevenge.
reo12312 − NTA- a better way, like calling the police on them for locking you out of your property?
[Reddit User] − NTA , maybe I’m bias because I LOVE what you did, but I think it’s fair. They locked you out of your trailer AND stole the keys ! You’re not wrong for getting back at them Questions though ? Y’all aren’t like , kids right ? Because I think that would be kinda not ok if you stranded some 18 year olds like that.
utahmineral − NTA. You did your friend an enormous favor by giving them a ride and a place to stay only for them to kick you out. Honestly they sound like entitled assholes and for all of the people call you the AH, hind sight is 20/20. I’m not saying that it’s not possible you couldn’t have found a better solution but in the heat of the moment, after having slept in your truck, you get a pass.
Cock_LobsterXL − NTA. With more training, they might’ve caught up. They should thank you.
Do you think the Redditor was justified in leaving after being disrespected in such a major way? Or was there a better way to handle the situation? How would you have reacted if your friends treated you like this? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!