AITA for laughing at my sister’s relationship troubles?

A Reddit user (28F) laughed at her younger sister, Emily (25F), during a phone conversation about Emily’s relationship troubles. Emily had cheated on her long-term boyfriend, Jake—who treated her exceptionally well—with another man, Mark.
Now, Emily is dissatisfied with Mark’s lack of romantic gestures and effort compared to Jake. The user found the situation ironic and couldn’t help but laugh, which upset Emily, who accused her of being insensitive. Now the user wonders if she’s wrong for reacting this way.
‘ AITA for laughing at my sister’s relationship troubles?’
So, I (28F) have a younger sister, Emily (25F), who was with her high school sweetheart, Jake, since she was 14. They dated all through high school and college, and honestly, they were the epitome of a perfect couple.
Jake was always so thoughtful—he’d surprise her with gifts, plan elaborate dates, and he literally lit up whenever she was around. They even talked about getting married. Fast forward to a few months ago, Emily cheated on Jake and broke up with him to be with her affair partner, Mark.
Since then, she’s been complaining to me about how Mark doesn’t do any of the romantic things Jake used to do. Apparently, he doesn’t surprise her with gifts, and their dates are pretty lackluster compared to what she had with Jake.
Last week, while I was on the phone with her, she started venting about how she feels unsatisfied in her new relationship. I don’t know what came over me, but I just burst out laughing.
I mean, she cheated on the guy who literally worshipped the ground she walked on, and now she’s complaining about the new guy not measuring up? It just sounded so absurd to me. Emily got really upset and told me I was being insensitive.
I tried to explain that I wasn’t laughing at her pain, but it felt like poetic justice given how she treated Jake. Now she’s barely talking to me, and I’m starting to feel bad. AITA for laughing at my sister’s relationship troubles when she cheated on someone who treated her like a queen?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
ExistenceRaisin − NTA. She destroyed a near-perfect relationship to be with someone who barely cares. She brought this upon herself. It sounds like poetic justice to me too
DetectiveQueasy1711 − NTA – She chose where to be. She chose to cheat. She chose her actions. You simply found humour in a dark scenario. She gets to decide how to act in her relationships and whether to whine about not being with Jake when she treated him she like did. Not your fault. Hers.
aspentheidiot − NTA. Womp womp
jacksonlove3 − Justified a**hole. Was it nice to laugh at her? No. Did she deserve it? Yeah. She thought the grass was greener on the other side and karma has come around in a small dose.
AnnBlinks3002 − Call me too woke but if my sister was a c**ater (for no reason), I would constantly bring it up whenever she complained. “Mark doesn’t bring me gifts, it’s so frustrating”. “Sucks that you cheated on the guy who did, huh?”
“Mark doesn’t understand me, I have to constantly remind him of what I like.” “Well that funny, cuz you did have a guy understood you but well you CHOSE to f**k that up.”. Edit : NTA
NumbersGuy22 − NTA – karma bit her in the ass big time and she’s responsible for her own actions.
Night-Ridr − NTA. Whining to your sister that the new guy isn’t as good as the old guy she betrayed. 😂😂😂
She’s lucky you don’t call him up….😂😂
Imaginary-Impress-51 − Is Jake single 👀
_my_other_side_ − NTA. She found out the grass isn’t greener, not your fault you find it absurd and comical.
abatate − NTA. I would give so much to be with a guy like Jake. She needs to realize what a f’ing terrible decision she made… omg. I feel bad for him, actually. Hope he finds someone who deserves him, and it isn’t her for sure. And as for her, what comes around goes around.
Do you think the laughter was justified as a natural reaction to the irony of the situation, or was it unnecessarily hurtful to her sister’s feelings? How would you have handled hearing about such relationship troubles? Share your perspective in the comments below!