AITA for laughing at my friend’s sunburn?

A Brisbane local took their American friend to the beach and strongly recommended using sunscreen, knowing their friend’s pale skin was at risk of severe sunburn. Despite multiple warnings and offers to share sunscreen, the friend refused, dismissing the Australian sun’s intensity.
Predictably, he got severely sunburned and canceled plans after being teased for his condition. A playful comment on social media further irritated the friend. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for laughing at my friend’s sunburn?’
I’m from Brisbane, and my friend from the USA came down and visited a few days ago. The first day, we went to the beach in the evening, and I pointed out that if we were going in the day, he needed to put on sunscreen. He didn’t believe me, and said something along the lines of “back where I’m from,
nobody really wears sunscreen, it’s just the sun, it can’t really hurt you!”. I pointed out his skin is very, VERY pale and it will be burnt to a CRISP if he doesn’t put on sunscreen and he said “Yeah but I overheard someone say it’s only going to be 30 degrees tomorrow, that’s like really cold.
If it’s that cold surely I don’t need sunscreen”, I tried to explain to him the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit as well as explaining that the temperature isn’t what gives you a sunburn,
but I ended up realising he was probably really jet-lagged and sleep deprived and so his brain probably wasn’t working as well as it normally does – he’d just been on a flight. The next day we went to the beach again, and while we were walking there I asked if he put on sunscreen,
he said no, and that he was a “real tough man” and could handle the sun, and even made a remark insinuating that Australians are weak for putting on sunscreen. I offered him some of my sunscreen and he declined. Despite this, we had a good time at the beach.
However, the next day we had planned to go to the movies, and I noticed that he was burnt ALL OVER HIS BODY. Like he was bright red and obviously in pain from having his skin cooked by the sun. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing,
and I said “bro you should have just put on some sunscreen, then you wouldn’t look like a big beetroot” and he did NOT like being compared to a root vegetable while he was in pain from his full-body sunburn, and he chose to cancel the movies trip until I became “less annoying”.
I went back home, and couldn’t resist the urge to comment on social media on one of his pictures from the beach trip the day before, and I commented “Did you get a nice tan?”
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Kevin7650 − NTA, your friend is an i**ot and got rightfully mocked for being one. First he seemingly doesn’t know what Celsius is, then he tries to act all macho by saying he doesn’t need sunscreen, then gets all pissy when he ends up getting sunburnt and you make a relatively tame joke at his expense?
And his ego was so fragile that he canceled spending time with you, a friend he flew across the ocean to see that he only has limited time with? He got what he deserved, maybe he’ll finally learn his lesson.
ExistenceRaisin − NTA. He mocked you for telling him to wear sunscreen, the least you can do is return the favour, now that he’s suffering the consequences of his own stupidity
Hairy_rambutan − Does he know how to take care of the sunburn? Anti-inflammatories, antihistamines (yes, sunburn damages cells that release histamines when damaged), cool baths and moisturiser? My husband’s relative from Scotland ended up hospitalised in a similar situation (his 15+ didn’t do a damn thing).
teflon2000 − NTA! I just don’t understand this weird concept of ‘I’m so manly I can take on the sun’. Didn’t work out well for Icarus either.
Lunavixen15 − NTA, a lot of non Aussies really don’t seem to get that the Cancer Council has had the “slip, slop, slap” slogan and its updated variations *for a reason*. 1 in 3 Aussies will get skin cancer. #1 in 3. Those are some *awful* odds
fatguyfromqueens − What part of the US is this person supposedly from Because unless he is from, say Seattle, this sounds made up, complete with the stereotype u**y American “real man” who then gets his comeuppance. Except that large parts of the US are also warm and sunny and people routinely put on sunscreen,, so like this story sounds a bit suss.
thesongsinmyhead − Where the f**k is he from?? Signed, an American that wears sunscreen
Sufficient-Bird-2760 − You tried to warn him and you offered sunscreen at every opportunity. It’s not your fault that he was being a dumbarse.. FWIW your post made me giggle.. NTA.
edebby − NTA. If he just wouldn’t make so many remarks of the toughness of Australians, the uselessness of sunscreen, and act like a complete d**bass, I would feel bad for him. But he totally got what he deserved, and you making fun of him is expected per what he said about you like an i**ot
Minion666 − This didn’t happen
Laughing at someone’s pain might not be ideal, but this seems more like lighthearted teasing after repeated ignored advice than outright malice. The situation highlights cultural misunderstandings and stubbornness. Could the laughter have been handled differently, or was it fair given the warnings? Share your thoughts below!